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Saturday & Sunday, June 8 & 9 th ,
9am – 5pm  

 250 Lake St. Newburgh, NY.

Come to the Motorcyclepedia Xpo, featuring motorcycles
from dealers and custom shops in the Hudson Valley!

See your favorite brands and dealers represented!

Hosted by the Motorcyclepedia an 85,000 sq ft museum,
exhibiting a collection of more than 500 bikes!

Follow us on Facebook for future updates and events!

We’d like you to gear up for our next adventure and
welcome all vendors to exhibit what the motorcycle world wants! Motorcycles,
parts, custom add-ons, dealers, manufacture everything the motorcyclist will
I’d like to
invite you to take part and attend our Expo with a Free Booth and bring your expertise to our gathering.

visit us at:    to
register as an exhibitor , Deadline is April 30th.
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  • EventMan Be sure to enter this in our event calendar