Photo 11 of 13 in MT FOTOS

Ain't It The Truth! Very famous cartoon. Caption reads: "First they feared us, now they wanna BE us!" Ain't it the Truth!
  • Edgewalker54 Aw, many still fear us... so THEY try to copy and paste the 'look' and the 'lifestyle'. Just so that we're not so intimidating to THEM. Who the hell is 'them' anyway?
    I have met folks that seemed like 'Poser' and were true-blue... others were 'Hard-Core'...  more
  • bikerwriter57 What's the line from the song: "Ya gotta dance like there's no one watching, love like you've never been hurt..." ? Anyway, I wrote about this on my blog 1Lightcoming on blogspot, some years ago....and it's just as true today!