I can't believe it's already May!!! We have been so busy both here at work on CycleFish and trying to get out and ride as much as possible (which explains why the newsletters are getting later and later each month). But busy is good...at least for us. Last month was another record month here on CycleFish with over 300,000 visitors to the site, and this month is already shaping up to blow that away!!! We also had just under 1,000 people sign up last month, so don't forget to say hi to our new members when you're on the site.
We did find time to make it out to the Laughlin River Run... at least for the first two days of it. Now I'll be honest and let you know that I am really not a big fan of the Laughlin River Run. Over the past 6 years or so it has become so over commercialized and policed, that it is really nothing more than a biker shopping mall. However we did have a great ride out with our friends Shadow & Diane (SearchAngel191), and Paula. And for the first time I can remember we made it across the desert without seeing 110° weather! While there we did run into quite a few CycleFish members and even a few business members sitting in the hot sun selling their wares. Andrea - from Wrapter - and her hubby brought their dual-sports and got some fun desert riding in across the river in Bullhead City!
Congratulations to Our May Bike of the Month Winners
May Stock Bike of the Month:
SSWC's 2001 Indian Chief

May Custom Bike of the Month:
ORANGECRATE1's 2009 Custom H-D Ultra

May Vintage Bike of the Month:
Lukegar8's 1957 Pan/Shovel

What's New on CycleFish
User Garage / Service Tracker
Well not actually new, we have made a lot of changes and improvements to the Service Tracker feature. The Garage not only allows you to share information about your bike(s) , it also includes Service Tracker - a convenient way to keep track of all your service and maintenance on your bike. To learn more about this see the
Garage/Service Tracker Video. To start using your Garage - log in to CycleFish, go to My Apps and click on Garage.
New Contest - Motorcycle Photo of the Month
We decided to change things up a bit, so this month instead of the usual Bike of the Month Contest we will be doing a Motorcycle Photo of the Month Contest. This contest will be for Creative, Scenic and/or Unique Photographs that include a motorcycle (doesn't have to be yours), but we do ask for only photos that you have taken. To enter or to see other users entries visit the
Motorcycle Photo of the Month forum.
New CycleFish Business Sponsors
With our commitment to the best quality products we just introduced the first weather proof boot straps ever made.
The second generation boot straps are made with nylon clips with sure-lock technology and durable rubber straps to keep your pants in place like no other product before it. Because of the materials that we are using they perform in the rain as well as a muddy field.
All bikers who want to remove there OEM Antennas off their bike and Hide it…its here! Just Hide it anywhere, simple hook ups, Peel, and stick, to get your ugly antenna off your bike
For Harley Road Glide, Ultra- Electra Glide, Street Glide & Road Kings.
Now with weather band!
Featured Businesses
JLH-Oils – Specializing in Amsoil Synthetic Lubricant for Your Motorcycle
Route 22 Cycles – Tri-State Motorcycle Sales & Service Center in Brewster, NY
Wrapter - Unique Ponytail / Braid Wraps for Bikers with Long Hair
Remember that these businesses along with those you see advertising with banner ads throughout the site are the ones who support the CycleFish site keeping it free to our users. Please take the time to visit their profiles and their businesses to show your appreciation for their support.
We also have a number of events supporting our site via paid advertisements and featured listings. Be sure to look for them in the calendar with the highlighted listings. If you are the promoter of an event and would like to upgrade to a Featured Listing or add a Banner for your event, contact Lucky
Site Tips
It is now possible to search for a user by username (or any part of their username). Go to Users on the Main Menu and in the search box "Username" enter any part of the username you are looking for.
When replying to a comment someone placed on your profile, be sure to use the "reply" link located just below the comment on the right side. This will put the reply on their profile - not yours - so that they will be notified of the reply comment!
When you receive an email notifying you of a new message on CycleFish, do NOT reply to the email - that comes back to us. You need to log in to your CycleFish account and reply to the message on the site.
If you receive a lot of Private Messages (PMs) on CycleFish, you may want to delete any messages that are not necessary to save. The system will only sore up to 100 messages in your Inbox and 50 messages in your Outbox. Once you have reached the limit the system automatically deletes the oldest message.
We also have a few
Video Tutorials for some of the common tasks performed by users on CycleFish.
As always, we want to thank each and every one of you for being a part of the CycleFish community. Remember, this is your website, not ours (we just maintain it for you). Those who are active in the CycleFish community, sharing photos, adding content, and making friends, have already realized the benefits of being a part of a community sharing the same interest...motorcycles and riding. So if you haven't stopped by in a while, be sure to browse around and see what's new. And don't forget to tell everyone you know about CycleFish, so that our community can continue to grow.

Lucky & Laura
Your CycleFish Ride Leaders