Many people are facing pain at the pump. As the weather warms up people will gain an interest in scooters and motorcycles. They will be watching us. How can we promote what we enjoy and love doing? Take an interest in that person who starts asking all kinds of questions, and show interest as they share their dream and desire for a new bike, scooter, etc. Show genuine interest in their new ride and the joy of riding. Most importantly, offer the basic advice about watching for cars at intersections, side roads, and to expect the unexpected.
High gas prices is hard on everyone, but is also an opportunity to promote this sport we truly love. Our kindness, interest in them, smiles, and helpful hints will go a long way to invite others into our world. It's going to be a great Spring and Summer.
February 27, 2012- -
February 27, 2012- -
February 27, 2012- -
February 28, 2012- -