OK so I got this bike because my best friend has always wanted me to ride with him so I am a big guy and I wound up buying this huge bike I don't know why, so I have been riding around in the country where I live for some time now getting use to this creature.
A couple of weeks ago I decided to venture out to the city and all went very well I have to say, anyway on the way back to my farm I was at a light about 20 miles from the place and 5 motorcycle cops come cruising thru the intersection and their bikes are similar looking to mine to the untrained eye other than the word Police stamped all over it and they were headed towards my farm.
Being the fun loving guy I am, the light turned green and I fell in line right behind them.
Now keep in mind I have lived out here for 10 years and have never seen a motorcycle cop in this area let alone 5 at one time headed my direction.
We are cruising along pretty nice when they realized I was behind them so they really started to watch me pretty close. As we are going down the raod I see a few people I know being a small town and proceed to honk and waive at them.
Cops don't like strays riding behind them honking and waiving for whatever reason.
We ran it down the road to the next town when I live and they turned towards my farm so I stayed right there with them until they got to my turn off and then just for grins I honked again and they looked as I waived goodbye to them and turned off.
I got home and thought you know that ride went pretty good and I felt pretty safe.
May 18, 2012- -
May 18, 2012- -
May 19, 2012- -
May 22, 2012- -