December 6, 2011 2:32 AM PST
I belong to Journey for Justice, even tho I don't have a bike yet. And I WILL be joining the Patriot Guard, just as soon as humanly possible. (one thing at a time, for now). This is something that I'm passionate about. I have a son, who is old enough to serve, and he has expressed a wish to do so, after college graduation. I can't tell you, how it breaks my heart, to see these so called "Godly" people, protesting the fallen. Their signs and taunts, are nothing short of disgusting, and sickening. But they have the First Amendment on their side, and will continue to disgrace that which is held in highest esteem, A FALLEN SOLDIER!!!
As soon as I am able, I will be more than willing and proud to go and get between these loser's, and the families of the men who gave the greatest sacrifice. A sacrifice, by the way, which GUARANTEE'S their first amendment rights. Keep up the good work, Wolfie, and Bill. And anyone else in the P.G.! Ya'll Rock!
Ride Free