January 30, 2012 1:01 AM PST
January 30, 2012 1:40 AM PST
Oh Jeesh, another one form the UK. Just kidding. I spent a few months way back in the late sixties in your beautiful country, at Mildenhall AB. Loved my time there and loved the Birds too. Nothing is sexier that a girl with an English accent.
Welcome from the 'at large' member to the best damn biker site on this here web thing.
January 30, 2012 8:33 AM PST
Hey Rex.....You old dog...lol...just kidding...
I was often to be found in Mildenhall ...lol... Yeah, in the Officers club drinking them out of 151...lol...I have loads of personal photo's from 1968 to 1973, .....especially.....regarding a certain vehicle that a friend of mine there was in control of the program...especially when it went slightly off course the year it was due to appear at the Farnborough Air Show and ended up visiting a lot of foreign countries
...I have actual photo's taken by the vehicle that were presented to me with the express instructions that I could not show them off until after the vehicle was decommisioned, it has been, and now the main photo by that machine has pride of place in my living room, it happens to be a shot of London on a 'mission' as the main target that day was Buckingham Palace...lol...mine shows the Palace just off to the lower right from centre...
When was you at Mildenhall? Oh yeah and, I think it was the Essex Girl Accent you liked ...lol... as I recall there was a whole load of Essex Girls working on the base...hahahahaha!!!!!
January 30, 2012 8:38 AM PST
Gday there Jet from Brisbane Australia..Bloody good mob on here enjoy the site..There aint a heap of Poms on here but i think you'll find one or two...CHEERS BOOF
January 30, 2012 9:32 AM PST
Welcome from Yorkshire - I don't have one of those jet things that flies but Ethel (my Suzuki GS500) doesn't do too bad a job at razzing over the Yorkshire moors hee hee
January 30, 2012 9:42 AM PST
Gday Australia...Us POMS Get Everywhere Dude.....you wait, I may yet be paying a visit there to do my shows later this year (start of your NEXT summer), I want to go harrass them Yankee's first!!! Hahahahahaha!!!
Hey Yorkshire Moors are fun, I been there, all those many years ago I was driving a drot and a crab helping lay slabs that eventually ended up with a good layer of blacktop on them...lol...I think its called the M62, lol, I was living above a pub in Weatherby for near 8 months, They served "PROPER" Yorkshire pudding there!!!
January 30, 2012 11:54 AM PST
Greetings from the Sunshine State and welcome to CF.
January 30, 2012 12:03 PM PST
hey Jet how ya doing man, well hope to see ya showing off at them shows have a great one! "T"
January 30, 2012 12:03 PM PST
hey Jet how ya doing man, well hope to see ya showing off at them shows have a great one! "T"
February 2, 2012 3:15 AM PST
Hi Tumbles, I dont seem to have that many bookings yet this year, June is booked solid and a couple of weekends in May, but thats all so far, It was a lot worse than that last year, here in UK everyone panics when a reccession starts and they cut down on quality entertainment first, some good rally bands didn't get much work either, silly organisers...lol...Bikers are still going to go to rallies, they just cut down on something else - but if they keep cutting down on the quality of entertainment then numbers will fall on the gates...
February 2, 2012 7:09 AM PST
Hey There, Jetman! Welcome to Cyclefish, bro! And...MIKE? Women ain't the only sexy thing with an English accent!!! NE Florida here, ya know, the place with the GATORS? Funny thing, you'll see 'em in the most unexpected places... Take a fly over sometime soon. Jacksonville puts on one helluva air show every year. The Blue Angels taking center stage??? I am an avid air show fan. Won't fly in one, but LOVE to watch 'em do their thing. Anyways...I'm sending a request for your friendship, so...let's start THIS ride, eh?
Ride Free
February 6, 2012 2:01 PM PST
Welcome from NY!