Over here in the land of BRITS we have an office called C.A.B. (citizens advice beureau)...anyone can go there for advice and to get fone numbers connected to your enquiry.....
Do you have any kind of office there where you can go and get legal advice or an office that can direct you to the correct department to actually speak to a human? There MUST be some kind of place like that...aint there?
Tweek? I didn't read everbodys responses but I do agree with blurplebuzz,,,go to a IRS office but first check all your accounts n charge cards to see if your ID has or has not been stolen...the phone is usless in these issues because it's too easy for the person to give you lip service on the other end...I do hope n pray this will work out, you are a good person so please have faith n patience..
On a lighter note? At tax time I get really angry n I ALWAYS get my weapons out n load n lock m all...However tween my love for Jesus n my patient Wife I make it through...Gail does not let me get involved because my hate for the thieving Government...and I will say that I thank God for the little yellow pill I take every morning that keeps me from taking the wrong action..
Love ya Tweek...n I sure love to read everything you post....
Ice Bear...