When I bought "BLUE", her twin sister, sittin' right next to her, had the windshield. And all the other little "bells & whistles". But when I stood there lookin' at the two of 'em, I INSTANTLY chose the one without. It wasn't just the fact, that I was buying my first "brand new" Harley. It wasn't the fact, that I wanted to "look kewl". It was more of, I didn't know, if I could handle "all that jazz". Later, after I'd been ridin' her, there were many times when I lamented, not havin' a windshield. OR the crash bars, OR the extra lights...but
Damn it was still FUN!!!
So...LIVE & LEARN & LIVE TO RIDE WTF ever you wanna ride, dressed ANY WAY you want!
Ride Free
(and now, bein's I'm bein' sorely tested...I'm signin' off) LOVE YA'LL <3