August 17, 2012 8:49 AM PDT
Hey Wheels... It is mostly done while you wait for the appropriate 'Bodily Function' to get done.
25 years as a residential, commercial and industrial electrician has endowed me with a plethora of shitter-shack comments. Many were not fit to repeat nor to be saved in the written records, but I do have several that I'll share.
"If your hose is old and your pump is weak, stand up close or you'll piss on your feet." Written under it was:
"My hose is young and my pump is strong, if I stand too close I'll dunk my dong!"
In every crapper, there is a phone number for "Rating" the "Service" of the crapper techs. Toilet paper, clean condition, odor etc. Next to the sticker that carries this info, someone wrote: "Sink is too low, no water and the hand soap smells like piss." The low sink? The urinal. The hand soap? The urinal cake... Well, I laughed! but I am sik in some ways...