September 14, 2012 2:12 AM PDT
I looked at your photos and I assume the white sporty is the one you posted about. I think the windshield is too big for the bike. Again, just my opinion.
September 14, 2012 2:38 AM PDT
I have to agree with Jimmy, if the white Sporty is the one you are talking about it is too big. I had similar problems back when I tried a windshield on my Wide Glide. Solved the problem by getting rid of the shield. To much less of a degree I had some annoying wind currents on my Road King (Rex) and that was solved by shortening the stock shield by four inches. Didn't like looking through it anyway.
September 14, 2012 2:44 AM PDT
You can get rid of the buffeting by geting rid of your windshield...

personally I have never cared for the looks of them on bikes...
Or have you considered getting lowers? This might aleviate wind coming up from your legs? Just my .02
September 14, 2012 4:22 AM PDT
I added lowers to my bike and it made all the difference.
Took 95% of the buffeting away. I have Memphis shade lowers mainly because i have a Memphis Shades quick
release windshield. They are adjustable so i can let more air in if i want to. It really made a huge difference
when riding at faster speeds.
September 14, 2012 6:50 AM PDT
The solution IMHO is to raise the height of the shield.I have a Memphis Shades clip on (attachd to handlebars) two allen screws n I can quickly take it off. It is height adjustable,which I tinkered with after experiencing lots of head buffeting at highway speeds moving it up about 2" and having the w/s stand up straighter,more perpendicular to the front forks helped a lot,all of which I was able to adjust.I am unclear about the ability of that w/s on your bike to make those sorts of corrections. I have zero head wobble now.At any speed.
Having a w/s makes those rainy day drives tolerable for me especially when crossing any bay area bridge,also it helps cut down on the amount of crap coming at me from road debris & insects & takes a lot of wear off my body in gusty winds. It saved my neck one day when a piece of truck tire came straight for my head at 60+ mph,gave the shield a good knock,yet I came thru ok !
Lowers are nice yet they wont solve any real head buffting at highway speeds,they are mainly intended to lessen wind drafting up from the roadbed & under your w/s.
September 14, 2012 9:39 AM PDT
Try tilting the windshield back. Buffeting is caused by air trying to enter the low pressure area behind your shield, tilting it moves that area up and back.
September 15, 2012 2:22 AM PDT
You guys have really come through for me, I thought that having the W/S higher would stop the problem-I'm gonna try the lowering. Somehow I feel as the windshield is too narrow, I say this because the buffeting is a side to side motion-like someone slapping your head. The windshield is also shaped like a "teardrop" with the wider side lower.
Again, thanks guys,
I'll keep ya'll posted as to what works!
Sonja (the Wind blown Wench)
September 15, 2012 5:25 AM PDT
Please do let us know how that turns out for you,I am curious as to what sort of effect lowering it does for you.In my case I probably started out with the shield too low.Also I failed to mention that I moved the w/s closer in to me,and away from the headlight.One thing I really like about the clipon is the ability to adjust it for varying conditions.
September 18, 2012 10:35 PM PDT
Hey, Ive been having the same problem, I thought it was because I sit higher than my windshield. I figured it was something I would have to get use to, the biggest problem is even after I stop my eyeballs are slapping from one side of my head to the other. Reminds me of the "stoner days" lol , Im going to do some adjusting too! Ride safe-ride hard
September 19, 2012 3:31 AM PDT
Try tilting the windshield back. Buffeting is caused by air trying to enter the low pressure area behind your shield, tilting it moves that area up and back.
With all due respect. Your hypothesis is basically correct yet the air flow on her Sporty and her particular windshield has an added aspect to it simply because the overall design of the bike in your drawing is truly more aero-dynamic than Harley Davidson motorcycles. Rider position in your drawing is also not applicable to Harley Davidson riders. The vertical position of the particular windshield on her Sporty is also "not" adjustable. The wind does not flow up and over the shield. It actually takes the brunt of the wind and redirects to each side. What I believe she is referring to is not actually buffeting as one would get when experiencing the affects of a passing or oncoming semi. On Harleys not specifically designed with and for windshields there is no way to divert the air flow below the windshield as it hits and travels up the legs. That's where the "bothersome" air flow is coming from. Per your drawing, the air flow (#2) is typical with Harley's as well. However, graybeards use hairties in their beards for a reason. I do believe that a different windshield all together would serve better on her sporty.
September 19, 2012 3:52 AM PDT
Try tilting the windshield back. Buffeting is caused by air trying to enter the low pressure area behind your shield, tilting it moves that area up and back.
... I have a clip on for the winter riding, it has 4 adjustable brackets - ADJUST THEM!!!
Tilt that sucker back more...Mine fits on front forks of Wide Glide front end by 4 angled clamps that you attach to the screen, its not the type you attach to the bike and then clip the shield on! By tilting the angle of them you can rake the shield back by around 4 inches... all the rest is just history...
Want a shield? Use a shield, no matter what bike you have, no matter what the size of the shield is ...also... the type of helmet you have will also react to the wind, peanut shells are not normally affected, but the half face blister looking crap are.....just 2 cents from the Limey b'stard
September 19, 2012 4:04 AM PDT
I bought a Suzuki bagger in 06. It had a nice windshield but the buffeting at any speed above 55 was incredible, lowers helped, but not enough. Traded the Suzuki for an 03 Screamin Eagle Road King. The windshield on it was about 6" high and totally useless. I bought a new one from Cee Baileys and it is perfect. A relaxed riding position in the seat puts my eyes about 2" over the top of the windshield and I get no discernable buffeting. And the best benefit is seeing all the bug crap on the windshield when I get home, and not on my leather.
September 19, 2012 4:11 AM PDT
I bought a Suzuki bagger in 06. It had a nice windshield but the buffeting at any speed above 55 was incredible, lowers helped, but not enough. Traded the Suzuki for an 03 Screamin Eagle Road King. The windshield on it was about 6" high and totally useless. I bought a new one from Cee Baileys and it is perfect. A relaxed riding position in the seat puts my eyes about 2" over the top of the windshield and I get no discernable buffeting. And the best benefit is seeing all the bug crap on the windshield when I get home, and not on my leather.
.....and I will bet its tilted back more than the 'zooki was, right?
September 19, 2012 10:39 AM PDT
Yep, I agree that a windshield just below your eye line is perfect height. I have only had windshields on my Road Kings (two of them) and found the stock windshield fits that just perfect for me. Even though the windshield is pretty straight up and down (tilted back just over 20°) I get absolutely no buffering at all. I also get very little wind and if I do want wind on my face I just put my feet on the highway pegs and get a nice breeze right up on my face.
September 23, 2012 11:06 AM PDT
Well, everyone, after riding with/ without /moving it down as far as it would go ( not very far )....the Verdict is, Drum roll please...
It is coming from below and hitting me in the chest(I have forward controls and sit back a little) and causing a turbulence in my collar bone, neck area , which in turn feels like someone slapping me upside my head from side to side.
I'm going to ride without for awhile-I know I'll feel necked and maybe I'll get used to it but you know us women we will suffer for good looks and my bike looks good with it IMHO!
Thanks again for all your advice!