September 22, 2012 9:41 AM PDT
Hey Family,
I say family because that is how you all refer to each other.
I'am now officially an Ordained Minister, actually I have been for some time now, I just got the certificate.
My question to all of you is do i need to change my handle on this site or do I keep what I have. I know you already have a Rev. so keep that in mind. My grandson can almost say granpa and it should not be to long for him to add ernie to it. I will always be Granpaernie to him but to alot of you it does not work as some of you guys are really really old.
So lets hear your thoughts first, then add your suggestion for a my new family name. all are welcome to join in and participate. All sugestions will be considered.
If we get a lot we can maybe have a vote for my new name.
Thank you all
here is some info you might want to consider. Male, 6' 2", no hair, Awesomely good looking

, 234 lbs., rides a 04' fatty.
September 22, 2012 12:59 PM PDT
I think grandpaearnie is a great handle. Can't wait until I can prefix my name with Grandpa!!!
September 23, 2012 12:22 AM PDT
Not knowing you long enough I can not make a suggestion. Go with what ever feels right. And why can we not have two Revs?
September 23, 2012 12:51 AM PDT
Over here in England you dont pick your own handle.....your bro's pick out one that is something to do with what you did good or stupid, and hey, then it sticks for life
Just 2 cents from the Stupid Limey...
September 23, 2012 4:02 AM PDT
I think he is talking about his handle on here, not his road name which I agree is normally picked by your friends.
It's up to you how you want to be known here. Some use their road names or nick names that they go by, others just pick something that identifies who they are. Like AZ said I kind of think grandpaearnie works well, but we'll call you whatever you want.
September 23, 2012 4:16 AM PDT
or you can be really creative like me lol
September 23, 2012 9:29 AM PDT
Ok, all good comments. thank you.
Let me start at the beginning with AZRider, it is a great name but I wasnt sure it fit in here. I can tell you this the best thing in my life was marrying my wife then my 2 kids then my grandkids. The grandkids are wesome to say the least. I suggest you spoil the heck out of them when they arrive.
Next is RexTheRoadDog. After reading and seeing your replys to members in almost all of the forums you would be the one who knows people really quickly. You are one of those that has been around the business so long it is second nature to you. Please take that as a compliment.
I appreciate everyone's comments.
I will difinately go with what feels right. Thank you.
I was hoping that someone would have caught on to the rev comment, the reason I didnt think we could have two rev's in here is because I thought there was a REV limiter. Get it Ha Ha. 
Jetman, you hit on it, just like in my area you dont pick your own handle. And Lucky you are also correct I should have been a little clearer on that fact. Jetman I always appreciate and respect everyones .2cents otherwise I would be broke.
Seeing I'am now running with new cyber bro's n sis'trs which i hope will blend into reality in the near future i thought I should have a new cyber handle.
Debra Jo 62, Yours is perfect and I do like your creativity, changing your age from 26 to 62 threw me off at first. ha ha.
Thanks for your comments sister and brothers and I will think on it for awhile and then decide.
Hope to meet some of you on the road soon.
Everyone please Ride safe,
September 23, 2012 6:22 PM PDT
I think the name you are first known by is what usually sticks, seems like nothin else really fits! Or like me, doesnt really matter what you call me as long as Im called for supper and every Friday! lol
September 24, 2012 3:22 AM PDT
I was hoping that someone would have caught on to the rev comment, the reason I didnt think we could have two rev's in here is because I thought there was a REV limiter. Get it Ha Ha. 
Good one.
September 24, 2012 3:39 AM PDT
I was hoping that someone would have caught on to the rev comment, the reason I didnt think we could have two rev's in here is because I thought there was a REV limiter. Get it Ha Ha. 
October 1, 2012 6:36 AM PDT
Grandpa Earnie... well, guess it's better than Gramma Earniestine... HAHAhahahahahaaaaa....
I crack myself up... Hey Bud, just go with yer riding name. don't have one? Ask yer riding buddies to name ya... well, maybe not. I earned mine but was not always proud of it, there was blood attached don'cha know... Rode with several names but Edge just seemed to stick.
So, what do YOU want? It's yer name, on the site so YOU pick it.... Kinda like "You can pick yer friends & you can pick yer nose... but you shouldn't pick yer friend's nose..." or something like that....
edge "MyName" walker
October 1, 2012 8:06 AM PDT
I dunno i kinda like GrandpaErnie...if you think it's too long try in Grandpa or Pastor...(sugar please).... then you can have double for the little man and the congregation. Sky Pilots...there's one in every bunch....
October 1, 2012 4:15 PM PDT
What about PAPA "E"? Or PAS'TA "E"?
Congrats on the ordainment. Workin' towards that goal meself. Might take a minute, still "ironin' out the wrinkles"
I'm sure any handle you go with'll be just fine. We ain't a hard bunch to please...;)
Ride Free
(The day'll come, when I'll need a new name, meself...)
October 2, 2012 7:13 AM PDT
After reading all your good fun comments and suggestions I decided I will stay with GranpaErnie. I will wear it proudly on my vest above my Cyclefish patch. Thank you Tweek. Good luck to you to.
Thanks All.
October 2, 2012 5:35 PM PDT
Good choice! I can't wait to be a grandpa, probably be one of those with the license plate frame, t-shirt, coffee mug and anything else to let everyone know I'm a grandpa!