April 5, 2013 3:42 PM PDT
Hey Lucky...Just one thing before I post? WTF, happened to the choice in FONTS???
Now, (at least on my POS computer, it's standard DRY formatting...wth?)
Ok...screw that. At least I still getta post, what I want (within reason...lol)
So...here's what it is:
WTF is goin' on with the freakin' weather? Any meteorologist's in the midst? Cause, I for one am totally "perplexed"...lmfao
Seriously, tho, folks. I really do keep myself "informed"...(at least, I'd like ta think so...)
And I just ain't "with" all this seriously CRAPPY weather.
And I KNOW...Ya'll ain't with this shit, either.
So...would one of you "genious's" please CLUE this bottled blonde IN???
Ride Free

April 6, 2013 12:20 AM PDT
The Lords way of punishing the wicked people down south.This way they get to see what we put up with up north. lol
April 6, 2013 1:12 AM PDT
In My (not so) Humble Opinion...
Weather is almost by definition very erratic. We think it is extreme recently but it is normal for it to be this way. We are more aware due the mass media and their misguided use of the word normal plus their hype for ratings. 'Normal' as used by the weather hypers implies the way it should be and thus should be replaced by the word 'average.' Remember that a high of 100 and a low of 50 averages to 75. AND EVERYTHING YOU SEE ON THE WEATHER CHANNEL IS RATINGS DRIVEN.
April 6, 2013 7:17 AM PDT
Just read an interesting article on work in Chile on a ancient mountain glacier that has lost ice.snow that took about 1600 years to lay down,in less than 25 years it has melted off,revealing plants that once thrived there.
Looking at pictures of other glaciers from 50 years compared to today,they show significant loss of ice/snow
Funny how Henry Ford 100 years ago questioned the whole idea of using gasoline/diesel motors which produced huge amounts of carbon & there not be consequences for the whole planet.If we had went electric the whole world would be a different place rite now,no gasoline tyranny at the pmps,no smelly buses,and the list goes on n on...
April 6, 2013 9:32 AM PDT
Oh boo hoo hoo, Tweek, you little whiny baby. You get shut down a couple days a year whoopee, try months at a time and then when the weather finally comes in your favor and then you have to worry about cagers not used to having bikers on the road. Then you have to worry about that dam left over road grit from months of snow covered roads. After a few good rain storms usually washes the road grit away. Tweek every biker will have his/her day, keep your knee in the breeze. Riding fever is now on.
April 6, 2013 11:44 AM PDT
don't worry your head Tweek, weather is...well, weather ! my granny lived to 95 and was pretty sharp, she always told me that where she grew up the fishermen read the weather in 70 year cycles. She kept a diary all her life and the 70yr thing rang true according to her. I bitched a few years back about cold weather in April and she was able to show me it snowed here (very unusual) about 50 years before.Half of those weather forecasters are just looking out a higher window than you and me..... I'll stick to the old ways and trust what the local fishermen and farmers say, they may not have satellites but they can read nature and the wildlife better than a piece of metal spinning around the earth.
"God made wildlife....man made satellites.....who do you trust ?"
April 7, 2013 11:43 AM PDT
The real worry tweek..... Is that 7 out of 5 dentist surveyed claim that death is the nations number one killer.
Hell come to Dallas... everyone loves Dallas! Well except the Kennedys...!
April 7, 2013 12:57 PM PDT
The weatherman says our cool Spring is caused by a high pressure ridge over Greenland which is pushing the jet stream farther south and pulling the cooler air with it. So, just relax and wait for the ridge to break down.