April 25, 2013 11:05 AM PDT
There is SO much to say about this, I scarcely know where to start. But, here's an analogy...(tho it's truth).
My uncle Bob, married a Korean lady he met, while stationed there, during the conflict. Notice, I said "conflict". Because in today's PC world, that wasn't "really" a war...
And, at that time, no one thought a thing of saying something like: "Oh, your uncle married an Oriental lady".
Oriental...think about that for a sec. When's the last time you heard the term "oriental"?
Nowadays it's "Asian". Asian American, Asian this, Asian that...it's not "Oriental". For FS's...I went to buy
a rug, recently, and you should've seen the salesmans face, when I asked about their "oriental" rugs.
"We don't carry ANY of those", he said. But we DO carry many ASIAN rugs.
WOW, for real?
Listen, I'm not particularly fond of any racial slur. PERIOD. But, this is just one example of how far, we've
"gone wrong", in this "new" PC, BS.
And how, now, it's so much easier to be offended. When we didn't "know" the difference, it didn't MAKE
A DIFFERENCE...feel me?
That's just my two...
Ride Free
April 25, 2013 11:17 AM PDT
I was told by my supervisor that because I was a white male under thage of 40 that I could nt be driscriminated against. Yes I was a government employee at the time. so because I am white...hmmmmmmm.
April 25, 2013 11:23 AM PDT
Just don't gain a hundred pounds, brother...
Ride Free
April 25, 2013 11:49 AM PDT
The whole process promotes cynicism.
When son was in his Sr. year of H.S., he and 4 of his buds were sitting around the dining room table.
All fine young men of good character - 4 of 5 were honor students, all varsity athletes in two sports, two were Eagle Scouts, all had moderately responsible jobs during the summer, . . . . .
What were they discussing? How to game the system of course;
One was American Indian and he figured he had it dicked. - Seemed to matter not a whit that his parents immigrated from Canada.
One of them had a mother with a Spanish surname and he too figured he had it dicked. - Didn't seem to matter that his name was slightly more Anglo than Miles Standish or that if his mother was willing to apologize to her father for running off with a GI he could have probably bought a university for his grandson.
My son felt a little bereft - Nothing but rednecks all the way down. There is the rumor of a Rosebud Sioux but doubt the-powers-that-be would accept a pair of beaded moccasins as proof of linage.
April 25, 2013 1:15 PM PDT
Politically correct...hmmmmmm. Think Charlton Heston pretty much summed it up. Its not only a cover up if you will but actually resorts to lies and deceit being common place. Destroy ourselves we will; not in my lifetime but I do believe it will happen. Destroy the free reigning spirit that is. Cause we all got too #$%@damn sensitive...but did we now ? Or was it indoctrinated, most folks walking around with blinders on, conformists, don't use the wrong tone of voice or I'll cry..... I believe the Commie folks were onto something there. Hence, the post signature below.
April 25, 2013 2:36 PM PDT
I just want to interject something and then I'll just read and listen. Political correctness was NOT a product of the so-called hippie era. The philosophy, if you will, of that era was basically "Leave Us Alone". In fact, I just bought Gypsy a hat that says that. Sometimes she wears it to bed. LOL!!!!
It wasn't a peace movement defined by the war in Vietnam or anti-establishment movement defined by the media. Personally, as a product of the 60's, a hippie, a druggie, a biker, and a Veteran, I just wanted off the rail; the same old track if you will. It was just about escape, being free. Blame it on the Beatles. Blame it on Country Joe and the Fish, or Richie Havens (God rest his soul). As for those who "credentially" defined the 60's, they didn't live it. They dissected it. They twisted it. And many simply used it, used us. And that's what PCness does.
April 25, 2013 2:45 PM PDT
your not allowed to be the spokesman, you are now the spokesperson...employees are actually assets...to the company...right up until you are deemed worthless and removed. Rather than terminated...because if you terminate someone well you know...LEO have to be seen to be accomplishing their strategies rather than enforcing the laws...because if you enforce something you might be going and against someones civil rights and we just can't have that now can we. Oh and Charleton Heston...says alot if you believe what he propegates...who wrote it for him..and how much did he get paid to say it...once an actor always an actor. One more thing....I just read whats written above...Ronnie Raygun. said... Above all, we must realize that no arsenal, or no weapon in the arsenals of the world, is so formidable as the will and moral courage of free men and women. It is a weapon our adversaries in today's world do not have.
Ronald Reagan
Another example of an actor...if you don't believe me...think on how we felt when he sent Fess Parker to us as his representative...all those years ago....Davey Crockett.....it was a slap in the face to us....
April 25, 2013 3:46 PM PDT
"Oh and Charleton Heston...says alot if you believe what he propegates...who wrote it for him..and how much did he get paid to say it...once an actor always an actor."...........................
We're practicing a bit of PCness ourselves now are we? With all due respect; the truth is hidden behind the questions. I'm messing with you a bit and I apologize. I know that you know what I'm talking about and you well understand what PCness is all about. And yet PCness manifests itself in so many ways, i.e. who said what, where, when. We become PC without realizing it when we dissuade the conversation around the truth; the word. Heston said what he said. Putting a spin on it doesn't change what he said. The principles of a just man like Thomas Jefferson get lost by the fact that he owned slaves. He's lost in the history books of our schools by that fact alone. All that he believed, all that he accomplished, all that he gave to our country, has been over-shadowed by the fact that he owned slaves; which of course today is politically incorrect. The man and what he truly believed in is no longer worth mentioning.
April 25, 2013 10:59 PM PDT
....the will and moral courage of free men and women.....I believe is the key there. FREE is up to the individual. If you've been consumed by the PC world and adhere to the rules of it, far from free. People are what they are, they've done what they did. Any rhetoric to disguise those actions is just that and beds with propaganda. As much as I would like to drop the F bomb here a couple of times to make the point of F it I said it, can't....the forum must remain PC to some extent itself. God help us ! Not gonna change it !! Hit the start button, drop it in gear and ride. F em all.
April 25, 2013 11:56 PM PDT
After reading these posts this is what I see. Alot of people are screaming for their own personal freedom. to be able to do, say and beleive what they want to. Reguardles of how or what everyone else thinks of it. It boils down to this...we should respect the views of others as we would want them to respect ours. If you don't agree with or like what they are about dont be around them. One should not be afraid to show their beliefs to others for fear of upsetting them. After all isnt that why we started this country to begin with.
April 26, 2013 12:21 AM PDT
April 26, 2013 5:44 AM PDT
Move to Ireland Jimmy.....we really don't care who we offend, pcness is only for the radio and tv here
April 26, 2013 10:22 AM PDT
Move to Ireland Jimmy.....we really don't care who we offend, pcness is only for the radio and tv here

Sounds good to me but I've got too much of this country to see yet. Plus, I don't care who I offend anyway because I don't do so intentionally. And yes, I do treat folks like I want them to treat me. I mean, I'm not gonna come out and call someone fat just because they're fat. But I'm certainly not gonna substitute with pleasingly plump either. Kind of weird that there's no PCness for "skinny", eh?
Anyhow, this thread is about the
affects of political correctness on society, any society. Hell, we all know that Black Entertainment Television is o.k., but White Entertainment Television is not. But what does that mean in the overall scheme of things in society?
April 26, 2013 2:39 PM PDT
After reading these posts this is what I see. Alot of people are screaming for their own personal freedom. to be able to do, say and beleive what they want to. Reguardles of how or what everyone else thinks of it. It boils down to this...we should respect the views of others as we would want them to respect ours. If you don't agree with or like what they are about dont be around them. One should not be afraid to show their beliefs to others for fear of upsetting them. After all isnt that why we started this country to begin with.
Well said !!!!
April 26, 2013 6:09 PM PDT
political correctness
(Noun) A doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical minority, and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end.
April 27, 2013 5:01 AM PDT
roflmao Rev now now

lets be PC about this haha
April 30, 2013 6:53 AM PDT
Ride Free