Oh Man, Louis, I saw that pic on fb, and lost it...
THANK YOU, to EVERY VETERAN out there, for your service!!! But more...THANK YOU, to EVERY MAN OR WOMAN, who SERVED and DIED,
My Heartfelt condolences to their families, and my sincere GRATITUDE and thankfulness. Your CHILD, did NOT DIE IN VAIN!!!
And as for however long I shall live, and God, directs my path, I will NEVER let them be FORGOTTEN!!!

FOR, in the Service of OUR great COUNTRY. Without them, and YOU,...FREEDOM, wouldn't EXIST!!!

May you BLESS a SOLDIER, in any way that you will, but @ least in ONE WAY, before you start YOUR CELEBRATION!

Ride Hard, Ride SAFE, RIDE FREE!!!
Watch this, and see if it don't "stir" somethin' in ya...
<iframe src="
https://www.facebook.com/video/embed?video_id=367251010053528" width="640" height="360" frameborder="0"></iframe>
Amen, thank you to all who served, fought, and to those who lost their lives defending this great land of ours. It's still the best country on earth by far. Thank you for giving your lives so that we may live free.
May 24, 2013 11:42 PM PDT
Never Forget the Price of Freedom.
May 25, 2013 12:55 AM PDT
Those who remain serve, without relief, until the end of their days.
As a veteran this reminds of some friends that are no longer here and the family left behind. To all of us who have , currently, and will sever bless all of you....7% I am
Memorial Day is a rough one on so many levels. You want to honor those who have served and those who gave the ultimate sacrifice. You want to be respectful, but sometimes the anger gets the best of you. Sometimes the situations inwhich you lost your friends seems so meaningless. Sometimes, days like Memorial Day just brings back the nightmares and the mood swings. People mean well when they say, "Happy Memorial Day".....but it's not a "Happy" day.....it's just a day to remember and honor...and toast your friends and love ones who didn't make it.
And then again, to some folks....it's just the beginning of summer!
Thanks for sharing this,its a testament to the special place
we have in our hearts for those who have fallen for our country.
Man that picture is too much. We should all remember and appreciate their sacrifice, past and present. To my oldest Son Patrick, 5 combat tours deep....God Speed Buddy, God Speed !
June 29, 2013 5:31 PM PDT
I agree with Mac...
I will say "They were called, they served and did their duty and gave their life."
The very least we can do is Honor their memories... every day.
Edge "Humble" Walker
July 2, 2013 12:25 AM PDT
God Bless All Who Support our Troops. I am a 7% er though I served in peace time, my son, FSG Dewey Clemons is currently deployed with Colossal, FOB Fenty, All Prayers are Welcome THANKS TO ALL WHO HAVE, DO and WILL SERVE THIS GREAT COUNTRY. PRAYERS FOR ALL THE FAMILIES OF THE FALLEN, THEY ARE ALL HEROES AND DESERVE ALL THE RESPECT AVAILABLE . GOD BLESS ALL OF YOU AND RIDE SAFE AND LONG.