August 13, 2013 2:05 PM PDT
Most of you, who've been around know me. And most of those, and some who don't, are prolly wonderin'...
WHAT'S up with that?
I mean, the girl's been on the site for almost three freakin' years, and STILL doesn't own a bike. RIGHT?
Can you say DISAPPOINTMENT? One after another.
Ya'll have been here for me, and I can't even begin to express my gratitude, for that.
I'm stuck. Stuck by GOD, himself.
And I know, why really. I'm still holdin' on to things, I should've let go of a LONG TIME AGO.
I am a PASTOR. Well, in name anyways. But, lately, it's a hard reach. I do what I do, and help where I can, when I can.
ALWAYS. And I've let go of the Harley dreams. Because I KNOW, it'll happen. Where and when HE wants it to.
I'm in training. I'm being "equipped". To go to the nations and preach the Gospels.
And GOD knows, that IF, I had a bike right now, it would take me down the same old path.
A path that leads to only one place. And I really don't wanna go THERE.
So, I am (while not altoghter extatic about it)...CONTENT.
Why, you may ask yourself, am I posting this on the forum?
Simple really.
A lot of you, won't read my blogs. And this time....
I just wanna be heard.

Ride Free