Slightly weird. Mostly amusing. Gotta ask how one, comes across such things? Do you surf, when you're not ridin'?
lol I'm spending less and less time on the computer, and not because I'm ridin'. Just too much daggone info to process, and after I heard a program called "The Digital Invasion", and talked to a few folks who spend a great deal of time on the computer (work & play)...I'm thinkin' I really don't need ANY help, losin' my cognizant abilities.
Nature will take that away, all on it's own. WHY RUSH IT??? lmbo
Digital Invasion, The: How Technology Is Shaping You and Your Relationships by Dr. Archibald D. Hart and Dr. Sylvia Hart Frejd (Jun 15, 2013)
$14.99 $11.48 Paperback
$9.99 Kindle Edition
Ride Free

I think I spent the last ten years at my job on the computer. As a commercial construction consultant I was reading, downloading, and organizing, and quoting, and processing all that info. Developed a club website and did the same thing with that when not at work. It did have an affect on my social skills, which were pretty much shitty in the first place...

. But as for cognitive/cognizant abilities, reading is the primary tool for the develoment of both. It's that process of trying to process all the crap which doesn't have anything to do with a normal person's existence. Not that "bikers" are all that normal.....

...but we're pretty easy to spot, eh?
My computer use involves, CF,, my forum which I don't promote here, and a couple of email accounts. Music and bike is about it for me on the web.. They both don't afford me much time or $$ for anything else.