February 22, 2014 8:49 AM PST
My CycleFish Family...
I am in the midst of MOVING, once again. I mean, this should be no suprise, right?
Since I moved to Florida, roughly 12 years ago...
I have been "forced", "manipulated", and downright left for dead.
Basically told...MOVE or DIE, kinda thing.
On the "average" of once a year, for the last 12 years.

And I do. Every single time.
Cause, that's me...makin' other's live's EASIER.
I'm fixin' to turn 55.
And guess what?
This shit is finally GETTIN' OLD.
Right along with me.
IF, GOD asks...I'll go.

Anybody else?
After this latest move...
you better own a FIREARM.

IF, you expect to me to pack. ANYTHING!!!

***(UNLESS...you got loads of money, one foot in the grave, a garage full of Harley's, an engagement ring,
Feel me?
Ride Free
February 22, 2014 11:29 AM PST
Hey there Girl, haven't been on here much myself, but things feel right again, and I miss the gang.
Be safe little Sister
Night Dragon
February 24, 2014 8:48 AM PST
Hey Kenny!
Just left you a PM, but HEY!!! LOL
Busy packin' and sortin' and tossin' and yes, havin' a couple.
SHEESH. I hate movin'.
Ride Free
February 24, 2014 8:36 PM PST
Tweek it is bad forum to repost, and you seriously need a new life. Movin every year for 12 that is insane. Well glad to know someones life sucks more than mine....
Good Luck Tweek, what ya Tweekin?
March 5, 2014 12:42 AM PST
Hi, Tweek, I hadn't been on this site much in the past few months, either. More now that the weather is warming up & I've accomplished some moving onto a nearby Mountain Christian campground to assist there. Been showing my foothills home to potential tenants. Good to see you, again!
March 5, 2014 3:09 AM PST
I'd like a foothills home.
March 5, 2014 3:17 AM PST
Well, Jimmyacorn, Bring the wife & come on over & have a look/see
March 5, 2014 3:19 AM PST
Oops, Jimmyacorn, I mean the partner, I though I recalled reading on your profile last year about this time that you were married.
March 6, 2014 2:12 AM PST
And, my large foothills home on 8 rural acres is located at end of long very private road in an unincorporated community, and would be a wonderful hangout/home for one percenter MC, too. The local Dominant MC is "Outlaws" 11 miles south of here in Hickory, NC
March 8, 2014 1:16 AM PST
Now that the weather is getting nicer (65 degrees here today) and everyone is getting mounted up for day or longer rides, remember to watch out for the cages.
Be safe and enjoy the moment
Night Dragon