Is it just me, or is it gettin' to you, too?

    • 9 posts
    May 1, 2014 12:31 PM PDT
     I'm all for folks expressing their opinions.  On all variety of things...BUT

    The political wranglin', the "see it my way or take the highway" attitudes on some other site's are really startin' to BUG me!
    Used to be, in this country, we could believe what we would, have our OWN opinion, and that was OK.

    Nowadayz...(more recently)  it seems as tho, everyone's wranglin' for a FIGHT.
    "Them are fightin' words"....
    If you don't "tow a line".  Don't believe what they do.  See things "their" way.


    Have we really become a Nation of Freakin' Jellyfish?  Cowtowin'...just cause it's EASIER?
    Bendin' to the "will" of some popularity jock/jockette on site known for it's POPULARITY POLL
    Or, are we so ready to defend our own belief's, that we'll simply tromp all over others?
    Either way, folks...this is a lose/lose proposition.

    C'mon, Ya'll...Please wake me from this nitemare.

    What I used to do, just to communicate with my child...
    to spread the Gospel...
    to affirm others...
    Has become the ANTICHRIST.

    Weird thing is, I saw the movie Trancendence the other nite.  (Johnny Depp)
    And I felt that very same vibe, as I was walkin' outta the theater.

    This "thing" we all take for granted?  To communicate, and do so much more...
    Has taken the biggest bite...Right outta our SOULS.

    That "thing" you feel missin' in your life, right now?
    Is the way humans USED TO COMMUNICATE...


    I miss that.  And real communication.  That's why I'm not on as much anymore.
    I gotta trust that God knows what He's doin.

    And the only way I'll know...
    is to get off the computer.  And GET OUT THERE.

    Ride Free

  • May 1, 2014 1:27 PM PDT
    Bravo, Tweek.

  • May 2, 2014 3:19 AM PDT
    I sure hate to come across as the woe as me person, but if ya just watch the news, there is only hate, greed, strange weather patterns, kids that want to kill there friends...........Damn I mean what is going on with our world.
    Maybe this IS the beginning of the END!
    I worked with this Guy when I lived in California back in the 70's, and one day out of the blue he said.......What if we all wake up tomorrow and find our-self being poured out of a test tube, and a loud voice saying "Well that didn't work"
    Have a great day
    • 1855 posts
    May 2, 2014 7:27 AM PDT
    I find that whenever I post an opinion; anything from religion to politics to the economy, to foreign policy, readers tend to read between the lines and come up with (argue about) something I never said. First off, I don't "write" between the lines. I don't "think" between the lines. I say exactly what I mean whether I'm talking or writing. So Tweek, you're right, people just want to argue and are so narrow minded that they can't even begin to listen to what someone else is really saying.

    I like your "jellyfish" comment; mostly because I'm guilty of being one in that I've come to realize it's simply useless at times to make any kind of stand. That doesn't mean I've given up on my beliefs or anything. It's just that on forums we tend to go 'round and 'round to no viable end. I mean, I'm not going to say anything at all (ON A FORUM) about "God" or "Liberals" or "Rednecks" or "Evangelists" or "Yuppies" or "Eric Holder" or "Obama" or "Muslims" or "John Kerry" or "abortion" or......well you get the idea. Why? Because I don't need to defend or explain my position/opinion just because some jerk wants to argue.

    There are times when you apologize for your posts. You do so by warning of "religious" or "God" content. IMHO you don't have to do that. But I understand why you do so and I think it is your way of being considerate of others. Yes dear Tweek I've just called you a jellyfish. LOL

    There's just no such thing as rose colored glasses no matter how we'd like to think there are. And it's hard to have and maintain a rose colored outlook of the world. It's difficult to stay grounded when it appears that all around you idiots are breathing good air and taking up precious space, not to mention driving on the damn highway. LOL Think about it. How much of this new world, this new normal as they say, gets your goat? It's frightening when you stop to realize how affected you are by it all. It's amazing to me how intolerant I am. I try to chalk up to just being old but that's a lie. We're NOT intolerant Tweek!!!!!!!!!! We KNOW the truth right? Again, it's just that no one cares to listen or behave rationally. So here's the thing. Behave irrationally (against the new norm) and you'll be amazed at how much better you'll feel.

    • 57 posts
    May 2, 2014 9:50 PM PDT
    Never argue with a Drunk an Idiot or someone you can't see, its pointless
    • 3006 posts
    May 3, 2014 6:34 PM PDT
    Good post.
    We all need that face to face communication to learn tolerance for others rather than hiding behind a keyboard/ mentality & imagining falsehoods about people you never even met,let alone tried talking with.
    Its something that I feel is part of what I would consider human evolution in the greater scheme of things we are not exempt from its grasp.The computers are only another means of furthering this inevitable process.
    • 284 posts
    May 6, 2014 8:50 PM PDT
    Well it was different. Wish you would get a bike so you could post about rides and bike related topics.

    Like the saying says "I may not agree with what you have to say, But I will defend your right to say it"

    When I start worrying about if others agree with me I will quit speaking my mind and having my own opinion.
    • 1 posts
    May 22, 2014 12:23 PM PDT
    Something is getting to me as of late, stopped coming here mostly because I like the people on here and I would rather get p'd and argue.
    Also miss the personal drama that used to appear here upon occasion. Is nobody breaking up, getting divorced, getting on the wagon, falling off the wagon?
  • May 23, 2014 4:13 AM PDT
    I remember a few years ago 99 and I use to burn up the site with disagreements, but I have always respected his right to express his feelings. Hang in there 99 maybe something will fire up before long.....LOL
    Night Dragon
    • 9 posts
    May 23, 2014 11:27 AM PDT
    RESPECT. That IS THE WORD, Dragon.
    Whatever, one may believe. You read it, you discern it, and you either agree, or disagree. RIGHT?

    Social Media has become the BEAST. 666. The internet, is the beast.

    IF, you believe it, so shall it be. I choose to believe differently.
    The internet is USEFUL, IF...we don't use it as a source of discontent.

    I choose to use this media as a way to encourage, and uplift. TO GIVE LIFE.
    There are those, who can't or aren't capable of gettin out there. SO, let's GIVE LIFE, EH?

    You want more in your LIFE? THEN, DO MORE!!!
    And watch, as your life BECOMES MORE...

    Happy Memorial Day, Ya'll!

    Ride Free
    • 9 posts
    June 17, 2014 10:50 AM PDT
    Jimmyacorn wrote...
    I find that whenever I post an opinion; anything from religion to politics to the economy, to foreign policy, readers tend to read between the lines and come up with (argue about) something I never said. First off, I don't "write" between the lines. I don't "think" between the lines. I say exactly what I mean whether I'm talking or writing. So Tweek, you're right, people just want to argue and are so narrow minded that they can't even begin to listen to what someone else is really saying.

    I like your "jellyfish" comment; mostly because I'm guilty of being one in that I've come to realize it's simply useless at times to make any kind of stand. That doesn't mean I've given up on my beliefs or anything. It's just that on forums we tend to go 'round and 'round to no viable end. I mean, I'm not going to say anything at all (ON A FORUM) about "God" or "Liberals" or "Rednecks" or "Evangelists" or "Yuppies" or "Eric Holder" or "Obama" or "Muslims" or "John Kerry" or "abortion" or......well you get the idea. Why? Because I don't need to defend or explain my position/opinion just because some jerk wants to argue.

    There are times when you apologize for your posts. You do so by warning of "religious" or "God" content. IMHO you don't have to do that. But I understand why you do so and I think it is your way of being considerate of others. Yes dear Tweek I've just called you a jellyfish. LOL

    There's just no such thing as rose colored glasses no matter how we'd like to think there are. And it's hard to have and maintain a rose colored outlook of the world. It's difficult to stay grounded when it appears that all around you idiots are breathing good air and taking up precious space, not to mention driving on the damn highway. LOL Think about it. How much of this new world, this new normal as they say, gets your goat? It's frightening when you stop to realize how affected you are by it all. It's amazing to me how intolerant I am. I try to chalk up to just being old but that's a lie. We're NOT intolerant Tweek!!!!!!!!!! We KNOW the truth right? Again, it's just that no one cares to listen or behave rationally. So here's the thing. Behave irrationally (against the new norm) and you'll be amazed at how much better you'll feel.

    That...was so WELL PUT. I need say nothin' else!!!  Awesome, and I STAND IN AGREEMENT!!!

    • 9 posts
    June 17, 2014 10:56 AM PDT

    While I'd LOVE to be in the wind, and talk about nuthin' but...
    God has ME goin' in a whole other direction. RIGHT NOW.

    I've been ridin' since...I can't remember. I do KNOW what it feels like, looks like...TASTE'S LIKE.
    I still even have my lifelong "endorsement".

    Ain't tryin' to prove a thing, 'cept THIS...
    Just cause I can't ride, right now, don't mean I ain't. FEEL ME?

    Ride Free
    • 9 posts
    June 17, 2014 11:00 AM PDT
    Hunter 55?

    Who would that be?

    I feel like I'm bein' "called out".
    Wanna go there, and WHY?

    Actually...nevermind. I have NOTHIN' to prove,

    My friends here, and elsewhere...KNOW ME, and LOVE ME...anyways. LOL

    Ride Free
    Chaplain Tweek

    • 57 posts
    June 17, 2014 2:17 PM PDT
    Tweek, I have no idea why you would think you are being called out,I have lived by that statement my whole life, Its just this simple I never argue with a drunk a Idiot or someone online its pointless,you and I have nothing to gain by doing so with anyone that falls into one of those categories,especially someone hiding out behind a computer screen just waiting to attack every statement you make.When I want to voice my opinions,Political - Religious- Moral or any other topic I will do so and attempt to explain my point of views,but never when drinking or dealing with someone who's views and opinions are nothing more than ignorant hate and never online.I will not apologize for my statement but am sorry if you misunderstood it.