I'm all for folks expressing their opinions. On all variety of things...BUT
The political wranglin', the "see it my way or take the highway" attitudes on some other site's are really startin' to BUG me!
Used to be, in this country, we could believe what we would, have our OWN opinion, and that was OK.
Nowadayz...(more recently) it seems as tho, everyone's wranglin' for a FIGHT.

"Them are fightin' words"....

If you don't "tow a line". Don't believe what they do. See things "their" way.
Have we really become a Nation of Freakin' Jellyfish? Cowtowin'...just cause it's EASIER?

Bendin' to the "will" of some popularity jock/jockette on site known for it's POPULARITY POLL

Or, are we so ready to defend our own belief's, that we'll simply tromp all over others?

Either way, folks...this is a lose/lose proposition.
C'mon, Ya'll...Please wake me from this nitemare.

What I used to do, just to communicate with my child...
to spread the Gospel...
to affirm others...
Has become the ANTICHRIST.
Weird thing is, I saw the movie Trancendence the other nite. (Johnny Depp)
And I felt that very same vibe, as I was walkin' outta the theater.

This "thing" we all take for granted? To communicate, and do so much more...
Has taken the biggest bite...Right outta our SOULS.
That "thing" you feel missin' in your life, right now?

Is the way humans USED TO COMMUNICATE...
I miss that. And real communication. That's why I'm not on as much anymore.
I gotta trust that God knows what He's doin.
And the only way I'll know...
is to get off the computer. And GET OUT THERE.
Ride Free