June 30, 2014 8:20 AM PDT
Not too difficult, mostly common sense but you will need to study the Motorcycle License Handbook to learn the specific laws and such. Plus if you are taking the class, most have a classroom part before moving on to the road class.
You can find the handbook here...
https://apps.dmv.ca.gov/pubs/dl655/dl665mcycle.pdf />
And Good for You taking the riders course. Remember to practice a whole lot after the class before hitting the road where all the crazies are!!!
June 30, 2014 8:52 AM PDT
Texas had only 17 questions on a multiple choice computerized test.Most were no brainers, one I think was a trick question.Good luck, the real classroom test begins once you get your endorsement.
Study it well,as I recall some of the questions were fairly difficult.Tho common sense dictates some of the answers right away.Not sure if they still do the variable testing ? I believe you still get 2 tries to pass the written test.Good luck