Broke down Old Dragon

  • January 3, 2015 6:20 AM PST
     Just got the word the other day that I have Type 2 Diabetes. Not into shots yet, just pills, and watching what I eat.
    If there are any Diabetics out there that have any ideas, stories, ways to adjust to this I would appreciate your input. I knew something was up because of how I felt, the hot flashes, low energy...etc.
    Damn it sucks to get old
    Thanks for any input

    Night Dragon
    • 1855 posts
    January 3, 2015 8:09 AM PST
    I am type II. What do they say your readings are? A1C level? Blood sugar fasting level? What medication have they put you on? Dosage? You CANNOT anticipate that anyone but you will manage your diabetes. Just pay attention to your body. Take your medication at the same time everyday; something I find hard to do but I don't have an excuse. They say there are all sorts of alternative supplements, etc. you can take with your meds. I'm still not sure what works in that regard though. It's difficult for me to put too much shit in my body because you just don't know what is making you feel like crap. So, just take it slow and again; pay attention. If there's something specific you want to ask feel free to do so. I'll answer the best I can. Everyone is different.


    • Moderator
    • 16869 posts
    January 3, 2015 5:15 PM PST
    Well Dragon, Jimmy has some good advice there.
    I give my wife the credit for saving my life, her being a long time diabetic and having a degree in nutrition got me on the right track.
  • January 4, 2015 2:43 AM PST
    Right now the Dr. has me on 10mg of Farxiga. I take my blood sugar 3 times a day...when I get up...mid-day, and before bed time. The first two weeks I was on the med. my blood sugar average was 130. Now it seems like it is coming down to around 110. Oh yea I also found out my Testosterone levels was below bottom scale. Had these Pellets installed under my skin, and now that is becoming a lot better.
    Don't drink much, don't smoke, don't do drugs.........damn how boring can one get....LOL
    Thanks everyone
    • 1855 posts
    January 4, 2015 3:49 AM PST
    I don't much about Farxiga. The VA is always a few years behind it seems. Hell, they don't even offer "the Pen". Still have to measure and use a syringe. I don't know about anyone else here on the forum, and I know looks can be deceiving, but damn......sure you don't look low on testosterone. LOL

    Anyway, in place of the Farziga I take Glypizide. Use to be 3 times a day but now just in the a.m. before I eat. Then before noon it's 90 units of Novolin 70/30 insulin. Then late p.m. or early evening it's 1000 mg of Metformin (Glucophage). I rarely test my blood sugar because in the long run there's nothing I can do about it if it is high. If it's low I can definitely feel it so I'll snack. I don't drink much but I do drink. I don't smoke and I don't use drugs; haven't since the days right after Nam. The Novolin 70/30 isn't the most ideal insulin since they developed Lantus but I'm allergic to Lantus. My BS is rarely below 130 unless of course I don't eat and bottom out. But I'm satisfied with that as it does keep my A1C levels down.

    Good luck brother. I know what you mean about getting older. I feel great at 66 even though knee pains are bothersome at times and I may keel over from another heart attack. But I don't think about that. I'm 25 inside.

    • 611 posts
    January 9, 2015 5:58 AM PST
    Dammit Dragon....
    Suppose surviving with diabetes is better than a whack on the nose with a rusty poker... and death. Since death holds no real power over me (fear, dread etc) and I have several 'old' friends with Type II and they grumble and do what they need to ~sigh~ I suppose that's what we get from being rode hard and put away soaking wet... for years.
    Not all my friends take meds, some manage it with diet and exercise... others just take their meds and go on. It seems to have a lot to do with food and lifestyle but you've prob heard all this so I'll shut up now.
    Stay in touch with us all, keep us 'in the loop' and keep your head down and yer powder dry! No, stand tall and walk proud! uhhh, your choice bro!
    • 1855 posts
    January 9, 2015 6:44 AM PST
    Ya know Dragon I hate it. I'm pretty sure all diabetics hate it but I've come to look at it as an opportunity to stay healthier. If I didn't have type II I'd still be a glutton and there' s no telling what could happen. Managing diabetes is healthy for your heart, your lungs, your liver, your kidneys, your bones. Not getting under control just fuks everything up brother. Like EW said, "stay in touch".

  • January 9, 2015 7:41 AM PST
    Thanks everyone...actually I feel pretty good, and plan on hitting the gym soon. I have to say that I look back and wish I had worked longer than I did even if it was 39 years. I just miss working, and where I live work around here just doesn't pay worth a damn, and they want to work you in the ground.
    Just saying if you have retirement on your mind be sure you have a lot of Honey do's on your list.
    Be safe all
    Night Dragon
    • 9 posts
    January 9, 2015 12:50 PM PST
    All you need is exercise and a new attitude. they tol ME, in 2003 I was PRE-DIABETIC.
    That's a whole bunch like being pregnant, feel me? You either ARE, or you''re NOT.

    I took their damn Avandia (2 mg's) a day for five years. The bloodwork stayed the same....

    After my Aneurysm, and the 20-pill bottle a day regimen they tried to force me to....I took STOCK.
    And the conclusion was, lose weight (round the middle) so lay off the beer's for a bit.

    Walk a LOT more....
    Stop taking OTC (over the counter remedies for everything, especially antacids)

    and ASK GOD, to reveal His plan, to you.

    You're ALIVE, because of HIM. YOU take every Breath, because of HIM....
    Stop listening to the Medical WHOREMED mongers....and just get on with it.

    I've been off ALL MEDS for years. And I've never FELT BETTER.

    Ride Free
    • Moderator
    • 19067 posts
    January 9, 2015 11:21 PM PST
    Sorry to hear Kenny, but Dude, at least it is controllable. Take Charge and beat that crap...
    • 3006 posts
    January 11, 2015 3:51 PM PST
    Sounds like you are on the right track,stick with the plan and hopefully you can get over it.

    I always get a second & third opinion if possible when it comes to medical conditions & treatments.

    Wish you the best!!!
    • 611 posts
    January 15, 2015 5:30 AM PST
     Hey ya ol cripple... lol
    Saw this and wanted to share it with ya, reminded me of you.
    • 1855 posts
    January 15, 2015 6:15 AM PST
    Good show EW. The Dragon will like that post.

  • January 15, 2015 10:50 AM PST
    Oh My God I LOVE that.....Thanks EW
    Night Dragon
    • 1161 posts
    January 16, 2015 12:15 AM PST
    ND had that picture on his old profile a while ago. Edgewalker54 Every time I see it I think of him as well. Thank you all for the info my mom is on the tipping point of getting type 2 as well.