Well we did it. There's no turning back now since we signed our home over this morning to its new owner. End of discussion but this place sure has been a wonderful home for us. Carol and I worked a few years in long hot days and hours on our curb appeal to keep it maintenance free so we could ride.
And ride we did, upwards of 50K miles together; from the St. Lawrence Seaway through the Adirondacks to the Poconos to the coast of Maine to Key West to Yellow Stone to Michigan's UP to the Smoky Mountains, to the Outer Banks, to the Ozarks, to the Gulf Coast, to New Orleans, to Sturgis and so many wonderful places in between.
Our history of riding found us with eyes of wonder as we blessed those who fought for our faith and our freedom by traveling America each year over the 4th of July. And this year, this 4th of July, marks the end of one adventure and the beginning of another.
I wish I could say I'm as excited for the future of America as much as I am for the two of us. But for this part of our lives, in this TWILIGHT OF AGE, we no longer have the time, the inclination, nor even the voice to resist the internal enemies of our great country. As my friends in the United Kingdom say, "Poke 'em in the eye".
......................I'll bet you never heard ol' Marshall Dillon say,"Miss Kitty, have you ever thought of runnin' away?"
So here we go; two in the saddle with our pistols on our hips, riding away. "Should'a been a cowboy!!!!!!!!!!"