I just found Cycle Fish and thought it would be interesting to see what kind of beating I could get in the forum by sharing my 2020 Harley-Davidson Concepts. Before anyone tries to crush the "Millenials" for killing Harley-Davidson, I am working on another video explaining how that is completely inaccurate. The average Harley buyer is 48-50 year old which is WAY older than millenials. Sales have been below average since 2008, the responsibility of Harley's success or failures currently falls on the shoulder of the baby boomers and Generation x'ers who are not buying bikes like they used to. As I say in my upcoming video, it would be like a guy stumbling and falling in a relay race then blaming the guy ahead of him that never even got the batton for loosing the race. My 2020 concepts are strictly based on what I think as a 36 year old Harley owner would LOVE to see out of a new bikes coming from Harley-Davdison. I think they need to aim to get the average buyer age down from near 50, down into the 40's.