Pull the plugs. Make sure motor is cold. 2 size pushrods. Long ones go to exhaust. Roll engine until lifter is at it's lowest position. Install pushrod and take out all slack. Roll to the next one,
making sure each lifter is at it's lowest point before installing pushrod. After you get all installed, rotate again checking each one. On this round, when all slack is out, tighten 4 turns and lock down the locknut.
That's what I was looking for! Pushrods already installed; so now to readust them on a cold motor,
I just need to turn the motor till the rod I am adjusting is at its lowest point or bottom of downstroke rotate engine again for the 1st rod to be adjusted and so on for each pusrod till all are done...Thanks big time Bro! Oh, mine call for 2 1/2 turns and then lock down, but I think I'll go to three and see how they sound....Thanks again man