Pipes and Decibels???

  • April 6, 2010 12:21 AM PDT
      Yesterday, I took my 2001 Indian to be re-registered.  It failed inspection.  Too LOUD!  I was told the "limit" is 95 decibels.  It a 2001 Indian Scout made in Gilroy California. With the OEM "Stock" mufflers!  Does anyone else have problems with their "Stock"  OEM exhaust system not meeting the requirements for their states restrictions?   Besides the Choppers and "Customs" with no mufflers.  Would kinda like to get an idea which areas are getting "tighter" on their limits and what they are.  Sarge....    
    • 1780 posts
    April 6, 2010 12:42 AM PDT
    Well here in Texas they don't even have ya start the bike....horn, lights, turn signals (if you have them) and that's about it. One time I did have the Dragon fail for to tall ape hangers, so I just went down the street to another place and it passed no problem. I think it depends where ya go....just find you another place to have it inspected.
    • Moderator
    • 19067 posts
    April 6, 2010 12:46 AM PDT
    WOW! Didn't know DE was that tight especially as loose at the cage inspection is. Guess I'm stayin outta DE.
    So what are you going to do Sarge
  • April 6, 2010 12:48 AM PDT
    The state does it here in DE. I mean literally! The DMV does the vehicle inspections at the same location you register your vehicle at. One "Stop" Shopping.... One inspection lane in this end of the State, one up at Dover DE and a couple up by Wilmington... Can you say "Rock and a HardPlace"?????
  • g
    April 6, 2010 12:52 AM PDT
    to loud !! holy shit ,........id be fooked then lol.
    • 5420 posts
    April 6, 2010 1:48 AM PDT
    No vehicle inspections here in California. Noise restrictions are left up to the cities, and we do have a few biker unfriendly cities where they actually have police checking bikes with sound meters. I have never heard of anyone getting a ticket with stock exhaust though!!!
    • Moderator
    • 1363 posts
    April 6, 2010 2:02 AM PDT
    Wow, Sounds like the DB meter might not be working correctly, Hard to conceive stock muffs reading over 95 DB. My Thunder heaaders are only 89 DB at an idle and 126 in 4th gear at 5 grand on the dyno. I would find a shop that has a DB meter and get a reading. Good luck and let us know what you find out..
    • 119 posts
    April 6, 2010 2:23 AM PDT
    Missouri ... about like Texas, lights etc... don't even start it and if you get lucky the inspection sticker "cough cough" flys off when you drive away..bad glue... . run 2" straight pipes on the shovel never had a problem getting it passed. I'm like Lucky never heard stock pipes not passing.
  • April 6, 2010 4:02 AM PDT
    Put STOCK Harley-Davidson mufflers on that I ran thru last year at 82 db... Guy tried to tell me the bike was doing 95.3 db Went from a 96 cu inch Harley to a 88 cu inch Indian (S & S motor) and the noise went up? BULLSHIT!!! I'm sure it's a conspiricy to keep Big American made V-Twins away from the "Hoity-Toity" Beach & Tourist area! Other thing they gave me grief on was the "Solara braking warning system! Two rear turnsignals flash 3 times when the brakes are applied. Gets the "Cagers" behind you's attention!!! That's also STOCK. Showed them the Owner's manual where the operation is described in detail... The "Goober" finally passed it.. Said "we only get maybe 2 Indian thru here a year".... Watch'em guys.... They're just looking for reasons!!!! Sarge...   Oh...  P.S.    I bitched so much they passed it thru inspection!  Was starting to get a long LINE behind me!!
  • April 6, 2010 6:54 AM PDT
    Come to Mn, there is no inspection of any kind, just pay the tabs in Feb. I have not heard of any local leo stopping or tagging anyone for noise. (the cages and semis would have to be checked, too).
  • April 17, 2010 10:21 AM PDT
    yer right! sounds like harassment - if ya got stock pipes then they shouldn't have a problem with the DB's - Factory has to comply with federal regs or they can't sell to begin with.
    • 1161 posts
    April 17, 2010 11:15 AM PDT
    the sad part is some of these cagers running around with the music so loud it can be hurd from 2-3 blocks away but that is legal and yet stock pipes arnt legal? something is wrong here.
  • April 17, 2010 11:28 AM PDT


    • 1040 posts
    April 17, 2010 11:29 AM PDT
    Damn! Here in Bama I took mine down for a tag when I bought it and she said "Let's go take a look at it" I thought. "Shit, no turn signals" She looked at the VINN and said "OK" lets get your tag. Didn't check a friggin thing else....I love this state.
  • April 17, 2010 11:32 AM PDT
    I always take mine to my HD mechanics and get the Pass.
    • 1040 posts
    April 17, 2010 12:56 PM PDT
    ingababy wrote...
    I always take mine to my HD mechanics and get the Pass.

    I can understand the purpose of having inspection stickers on vehicles but here we don't; so, money not having to spend every year helps. I remember when I was living in New Orleans back in the late 80's; had to get ALL vehicles inspected yearly and it cost a friggin arm and leg (If I remember correctly it was around 200.00. What's the cost for an inspection sticker these days up your way SweetIngababy?

  • April 17, 2010 1:32 PM PDT
    Amazingly, here in the great state of NY where people wake up every morning and say "HEY LETS LEGISLATE EVERYTHING", really not bad with bikes at all. Annual inspection is only $6 and frankly its more of a formality than anything else. They dont look em over that closely and they dont make you start em......yet.


  • April 17, 2010 1:54 PM PDT
    To be honest, I have never had one inspected. I'd never pass one with mine.
  • April 17, 2010 4:07 PM PDT
    fxrdude wrote...
    ingababy wrote...
    I always take mine to my HD mechanics and get the Pass.

    I can understand the purpose of having inspection stickers on vehicles but here we don't; so, money not having to spend every year helps. I remember when I was living in New Orleans back in the late 80's; had to get ALL vehicles inspected yearly and it cost a friggin arm and leg (If I remember correctly it was around 200.00. What's the cost for an inspection sticker these days up your way SweetIngababy?


    Yearly Reg. in NJ is $65 for the Dyna and HD dealer charge was $25 last time I had my Sporty done.  I bought the Dyna as a leftover in 2007, so

    first year for her.  She is due this month.   This is NJ fees.   I don't plan on staying in PA past 2011.  Don't want to change my CDL to PA either. 

    And I really don't care what PA 's PENNDOT has to say on the matter.

    • Moderator
    • 19067 posts
    April 17, 2010 10:43 PM PDT
    Hey Inga, PA fees are modest. Annual registration is $18 for cycles and most places are $49 for safety inspection pass or fail. Insurance can be an issue but I believe Jersey is on average more. Smart move to keep it titled in Jersey since you would have to pay a sales tax if you transfer it to pa. Just keep a legal address in NJ and 'officially' go back occasionally. If you live on the border (Easton is) then most likely the local LEO will pay no attention to the out of state plates if they are current.
  • April 18, 2010 12:26 AM PDT
    no inspection here in Ohio thats about the only good thing I know my 69 would not pass
  • April 18, 2010 6:53 AM PDT
    As long as we're on the topic, here is a pretty good web site...motorcycle laws state by state...
    www.amadirectlink.com/legisltn/laws.asp />

  • April 18, 2010 7:24 AM PDT
    im a cop and this pisses me off. i dont agree with the pipe laws at all. as long as it is not a safety issue there shouldnt be a problem. my state is strict on alot of things. as long as it looks good or diffrent from yours or sounds good then its illegal. its time to throw some more tea over board guys. its my toy my money i earned it and ill fix my toy my way.
    • 352 posts
    April 18, 2010 7:44 AM PDT
    I run drag pipes on my Harley - loud & proud. I have no idea what I clock in at on the meter, but I do know they can be heard by the peeps in the cages which is what I want!

    Virginia has not messed with the db thing, though some areas around us do their own thing - hence the boycot of Myrtle Beach last year by lot's of bikers...the cops were sitting at the city limits with sound meters handing out tickets. They made it a city ordanance then wondered where all the resort income went for bike week...duh!

    LOL - I may have to idle through KY when we are there for the meet & greet so not to attract any attention.

    BTW - NY does not like ape hangers either, I have even seen them fail for height on the risers being to high even with non-ape hangers. I think it used to be 13 inches over the low point on the seat to the grips would get a fail, or a ticket if you did the switch to get by the inspection.
  • April 18, 2010 3:18 PM PDT
    Over here we have a loud law as well. they have even put up speed cameras that will activate if the DB is to loud. We have been told that its for trucks so that they dont use their engine brakes, sure sure!!!!!
    As for the rego. HOPE YOU LOT OVER IN THE good old USA are sitting down.
    Rego fee $52.00
    Motor vehicle tax $51.00
    S yell mc-issue fee $36.00
    Total rego fee     is

    And now for the biggie......
    Insurance full comprehencive is a staggering $700.00 plus
    They screw us here in Australia every which away they can and then think up more ways of taxing us.
    Oh I forgot to say that even a small traffic infringement can cost you min $150.00 and a lose of 3 points from the 12 you are allocated. To recover these points you have to have a good driving record for 3 years from the last booking.
    And you think you have problems!!!!!!!!!