June 9, 2010 10:33 AM PDT
I found a fun site to play. You can enter sentences or a URL to a site and it will convert it to Pirate Speak.
http://www.syddware.com/cgi-bin/pirate.pl />
for example; Randy Joes - I quit -
RandyJoe wrote 17 minutes ago
ARRR, ARRR, ARRR.....I've been thinkin' bout what ya'll spake bout me behavior th' other night " Ridin' n Drinkin' " n actually someone else weighed in....Me buxom beauty Gail...When I get homeport ever' tide I place me recipts on th' table so she can balance our account.....soooooo she saw th' bars I'd been t' an' knew I be ou' on th' bike.......So, that evenionng When she got homeport from work I be ou' on th' deck soakin' up th' sun wi' n ice cold pepsi....she sat down n spake...
" Quote " ARRR this be goin' t' be short n sweet...'t scares me t' Davy Jones' locker when ye ride n drink an' what would I do or our grandkids do if ye be killed or in jail...End Quote.....WoW !
Now since more o' ye seem t' weigh in on th' " DON"T DO THAT " side o' th' issue an' after 23 voyages o' marriage t' Gail who NEVER gest involved in me actions has made me come t' this very important decision.
Ridin' n drinkin' an' fer th' very wee times I actually drive a cage.
I be un aware that so many swabbies cared....
RandyJoe...Ride Strong...
PS....I actually don't drink very often but me choices o' when I do ben poor