i wish someone would kick my wifes purse.....cause my balls are in it....
That was a good one Laura.. Taco.. HUH?
That was a good one Laura.. Taco.. HUH?
Taco is NOT the BOSS at HOME
still have the shaft....but lost the ball bearings......lol
I don't know..... I kinda like the idea of # 7.....
It sure beats the hell outta sniffin their armpit!
It also beats the Crocodile Dundee method. Won't startle them as much!
Now THAT was funny...and Taco.....uh, well, uh don't really know what to say......at the very least ...your up shit creek without floaties.
July 6, 2010 11:50 AM PDT
dear dog (HDBeech household),
have ya pissed off yer mistress of late?!
yer god.
Good one Laura, and look at all the laugh lines you got from it.
I don't know..... I kinda like the idea of # 7.....
It sure beats the hell outta sniffin their armpit!
Thats cause you have a rodent hanging around your neck. wait till he gets done sniffin you!!! LOL 
That he was a she... And... She liked to snuggle..
She also nuzzled my ears real good!
July 7, 2010 11:25 AM PDT
Laura, a dog needs to be a dog...