Night before Christmas...NDN Style

  • December 12, 2010 7:35 AM PST
     T’was the night before Christmas and all thru the teepee

    Not an eyelid was shut because nobody was sleepy.

    The Wal-Mart bags were hung by the fire so neat,

    Hoping Chief Nick would fill them up with smoked meat.


    The children were nestled all snug in their beds

    While visions of fry bread men danced in their heads.

    With ya-yah in her kerchief and my hair braided tight

    We turned up the scanner to entertain us tonight.


    Then all of a sudden a crash we did hear,

    The rez dogs started barking but that’s the norm around here.

    The moon on the breast of the new falling snow

    Gave the luster of midday to my rez car below.


    When what do my ndn eyes should appear

    But an ndn sleigh with eight tiny reindeer!

    With a little rez driver so stoic but quick

    I knew in a moment it must be Chief Nick.


    More rapid then Rez Ballers the reindeer they came

    And he pointed with his lips then called them by name.

    On Fancy Dancer, on Smoked Meat, on Thomas and Victor,

    On Back Strap, on Philbert, on Black Cloud and Trixster.


    Ssshhh! Land beside the teepee, quiet for good reason

    We have to be careful it’s deer hunting season.

    The stickers on his sleigh read "I love baloney"

    Another one said "My other ride is a pony."


    The one in the middle said "NDN Power"

    There was duct tape and bailing wire holding it together.

    When the teepee flap opened I just hung my head,

    For I just finished off his stew and fry bread.


    He was dressed in full regalia from his head to his moccs,

    His outfit fully beaded right down to his socks!

    His huckleberry eyes twinkled, his braids were like WOW!

    You have to see it for yourself, he was just … somehow!


    The stump of his peace pipe held tight in his teeth

    And the smoke signals encircled his head like a wreath.

    His face was kind of greasy and he was ndn size,

    He had a commod bod only a skin could recognize.


    He spoke not a word just flashed his Tribal ID.

    He left a block of cheese and new tape recorder under the tree.

    He left hand drums and blankets and round dance CDs,

    Huckleberry pies and the new N Cree!


    Then he pointed with his lips, gave a big hearty AYYE!

    And he danced out the door and jumped in his sleigh.

    I heard him exclaim as he flew out of sight

    Merry Christmas to all! Let’s round dance tonight!


    HO! HO! HO!

    • 223 posts
    December 12, 2010 9:39 AM PST
    My kinda Christmas!!!  Just need some wojapi to go with the frybread and we're set!!! 
  • December 12, 2010 11:40 AM PST
    Yeah buddy....

    4-5 cups Berries of your choice that are fresh and preferably growing wild

    (chokecherries, blueberries, etc. or grapes)

    ½ cup water


    Cornstarch (cornstarch possesses double the thickening power of flour; if you use this ingredient, don’t add to hot liquids. First add the cornstarch to cold water and mix, then add to your hot mixture)

    Made from blueberries, raspberries, strawberries and water

    Clean the fruit

    Place in bowl and mash using potato masher (or a fork, but that takes longer)

    Add fruit and liquid to large saucepan and bring to boil—be careful not to scorch the fruit.

    Lower heat to a simmer and cook for about an hour, constantly checking.

    Taste and see if you need to add honey for sweetness—only add a little at a time.

    If you want the mixture to be thicker, either continue to simmer and “reduce” the mix (that is, the liquid evaporates rendering the taste more intense and the mix thicker) or add a small amount of cornstarch. If you go with the latter option, place 1 T of cornstarch into small bowl and add cold water to that. Stir until you have a desired consistency (add more water or starch if needed). Then slowly add to hot pot of berries and stir.
    • 223 posts
    December 20, 2010 12:58 PM PST
    We can't find chokecherries around here. I usually end up using blueberries or cherries. Slap some of that on some fresh frybread and pig out!!!!
  • December 20, 2010 2:05 PM PST
    Take a bing cherry and choke the chit out of it !

    Sounds great. Never had any but will. Wado!
    • Moderator
    • 19067 posts
    December 26, 2010 12:53 AM PST
    Great adaptation of the Clement H Moore poem. As a child I had that memorized. Hell I could probably repeat it still if I tried.
    I especialy liked the line...
    On Fancy Dancer, on Smoked Meat, on Thomas and Victor...
    No doubt a referance to "Smoke Signals"

    • 223 posts
    December 26, 2010 1:13 PM PST
    GroverN57 wrote...
    Take a bing cherry and choke the chit out of it !

    Sounds great. Never had any but will. Wado!

      good one!!!  Gvlieliga!

    It's pretty good, hardest part is getting it to the right consistency and altitude plays a big role in it.  It's friggin awesome with blueberries!!  My brother from Pine Ridge makes it and taught me (he's Lakota, I'm Mohawk) and my kids go insane whenever I make it.

    We need an NDN food meet, lol!

    • 223 posts
    December 26, 2010 1:14 PM PST
    RexTheRoadDog wrote...
    Great adaptation of the Clement H Moore poem. As a child I had that memorized. Hell I could probably repeat it still if I tried.
    I especialy liked the line...
    On Fancy Dancer, on Smoked Meat, on Thomas and Victor...
    No doubt a referance to "Smoke Signals"

    Yep, one of my favorite movies, Smoke Signals!  I soooo want the Frybread Power shirt, but I'm too cheap, I'd rather spend my money on the ingredients for the frybread, lol!

  • December 26, 2010 2:02 PM PST
    We need an NDN food meet, lol!
    Count me in sister.... Went to a powwow this fall in Tahlequah.. Had an indian taco and some fry bread. Good stuff. Pics of the pow wow up on fb.