March 10, 2011 1:42 PM PST
You're sooo right! I will admit that his show was my favorite; but now he has ruined that. Whenever I see it now, I can't help but visualize all the craziness and drugs and lunatic rants. All the media attention only fuels his rants. The webcasts continue to get more and more elaborate and my tolerance for him and the stories about him gets less and less.... Between Sheen and Lohan, there's no time or space for anything else - you know the important stuff.... Oh well, who am I and what do I know.....
March 10, 2011 4:43 PM PST
I believe Charlie and his dad have delusional disorders.
If you heard old Martin's political rants in interviews during his "west wing" days, one would think he believed he thought he was the president.
March 10, 2011 5:18 PM PST
I think I would make a good replacement for old charlie on that bloody show..Of course there would be a shitload more drinkin and cursin but it could work..CHEERS BOOF
March 10, 2011 11:26 PM PST
Cool we could call it BOOF + 1 & 1/2 Men
March 10, 2011 11:35 PM PST
Same old one thinks the troops are newsworthy unless we lose thirty in a week. Building schools, rebuilding infrastructure, you know, all that good stuff that happens? Nah, that isn't news. Crazy world we got.
Hey webby, That could be another forum! Name the show if BOOF were to replace Charlie Sheen....
He's got my about "1 and 1/2 Men - The Aussie Version of how it Should Be"
March 11, 2011 3:14 AM PST
His show ran out of steam 3 seasons ago and from the looks of Charlie lately he will as well. There is nothing funny about a man hooked on meth and booze. Why his family is waiting to intervene is a mystery? but then again with a father like Capt. Willard aka Martin Sheen anything is possible.
March 11, 2011 9:20 AM PST
My question is: What will Lindsay Lohan do next? Now that she's out of the spotlight.
March 11, 2011 11:31 AM PST
My question is: What will Lindsay Lohan do next? Now that she's out of the spotlight.
Lindsay is looking "road hard and put away wet" lately.

March 11, 2011 1:26 PM PST
My question is: What will Lindsay Lohan do next? Now that she's out of the spotlight.
I am thinking Charlie.. but the whole problem would be them actually sharing who was the biggest screw up.. but it would get them both a lot of attention...the one thing they really are good at!!!
and yeah, Boof and a half men ... I can hardly wait
March 11, 2011 8:37 PM PST
My question is: What will Lindsay Lohan do next? Now that she's out of the spotlight.
I am thinking Charlie.. but the whole problem would be them actually sharing who was the biggest screw up.. but it would get them both a lot of attention...the one thing they really are good at!!!
yeah, Boof and a half men ... I can hardly wait
Yep it will be good and intertaining atleast!
March 12, 2011 12:04 AM PST
Well I'm alittle busy this season to make the filming...We could do a pilot with me givin Lindsey driving lessons from the wrong side of the car..Then maybe an unintentional smash and grab on a liquor store..Coz Y'all know i get thirsty..CHEERS BOOF
June 28, 2011 6:46 PM PDT
Lol. My vote is still for you BOOF.
June 29, 2011 2:32 AM PDT
Cool BOOF. Could even have a spot every week called "The Adventures of Joey'.
June 29, 2011 3:22 AM PDT
Dont try n steal Boof !!! I already have him lined up for my pilot," Aussie Downunder & Joey rides the lower 48" ..LOL
June 29, 2011 4:09 AM PDT
Call it "BOOF'S GOOF'S! I certainly think any show with BOOF , and Joey would be a helluva good one!
And it IS a shame that they don't have more stories about our troops, fallen or otherwise. I did see one yesterday that I found mildly disturbing. That a kid named Chance couldn't get the letter from the President thanking him for serving his country, by the mere fact that he committed suicide. He was in Afghanistan when he killed himself. He WAS serving his country. He also had PTSD. He was, just like every other service person, GOVERNMENT ISSUE
Just by that fact alone, I think every soldier who dies, while serving their country (no matter the cause) deserves a thank you letter from the President. What do you think???
Ride Free
June 29, 2011 5:01 AM PDT
Right on the money Tweek!