April 30, 2011 12:00 AM PDT
....hung out round the fire pit last night with Chili. ....beautiful night sky full of stars. ....sposed to be 65 and sunny today, amd were heading North..
...gonna head up to the Legendary 119 that runs through the "Tunnel of Trees" ....along the cliffs of Lake Michigan....131 tight hair pin curves in 22 miles...with some beautiful scenery and awesome views of the Lake from high above.....Bob Seger has a home along the shore somewhere below...
....then down through Cross Village and into :The Dunes"....down into Mackinaw City right by the Mighty Mackinaw Bridge...
...have our first cheeseburger of the season at one of our favorite stops...Key Hole Bar.....
.....then bang gears down the super slab through the woods and back home...Chili is going out with "the girls" tonight to some Beatles Tribute..
..The Wolf will be hanging out alone......Piczzzzzz to come !
oh yeah! Went riding today. Only problem was when i got back and took off my goggles, my eyes were swollen and BURNING! Damn pollen! But nothing a benadryl couldn't handle. i'll take the pollen over the rain any day!
Spring has finally Sprung here in N Calif the weather was excellent today !!! Picture Postcard sorta day,clear as a bell
