Just a shame that there are no his here in Fla.
In Floida the hills are a little less steep sothe old folk can play safely.

We have plenty of mountains here in Pennsylvania, the only problem I see would be the potholes.
May 10, 2011 12:04 AM PDT
I always said I was born too early cause I wanted a big wheel. Now they make them adult size and my bones break too easy. Guess I'll have to stick to Rex.
I guess I need a closer look to see how the wheels go round and the peddles are still. ? >? Just the old mechanic thinking. What is the load capacity of them.? ? ? Made a Big Wheel from a regular trike when the guys were little. Was bigger and faster than the plastic ones for a whole lot less. I believe it is still around somewhere.
I guess I need a closer look to see how the wheels go round and the peddles are still. ? >? Just the old mechanic thinking.
I was thinking that myself, must be the hub is set up like the old "coaster brake", peddle forward and it goes, any other time it's in netural.