June 6, 2011 12:22 AM PDT

This is a Zundapp (borrowed internet pic, not my dad's). There are also quite a few other things that are Zundapps, like most of the WWII German sidecars that everyone calls BMW's.
Their war models were about as different from a BMW as a Buick is from a Chevy.
German company, started out making hand grenade detonators during WW1 and then into motorcycles and cars and sewing machines. The Zundapp logo is actually a bomb fuse.
They made dirt bikes, were very successful in Grand Prix racing with the smaller classes and eventually sold off corporate rights to India and China where their small moped things are probably still made.
From all reports, they were actually quite good bikes for their time.
Dual Sport rider from the swamps of South Central NY here
Kicked the tires on a few Zundapps hiding in the weeds @ local motorcycle dealer/bone-yard but never got on one. -
How about a Puch? - Was on & inside that one - Really interesting engine, take too many syllables to describe but like nothing I ever saw before or since - Think Sears sold it under the "Allstate" badge
September 16, 2011 8:38 AM PDT
Hello from Washington State