July 15, 2011 9:18 AM PDT
Coming from anyone else, commendable. Coming from a Marine in the United States Corp, serving in a War we have no more business being in, than Viet Nam. Celebrating the soldiers who have only ever done their patriotic duty, to preserve our freedoms here at home. Well, not only did it choke me up a bit, it brought about a welled-up sense of pride, that we, as a people, CAN admit to our past mistakes, and do whatever is in our own powers, to make sure that they NEVER happen again. THANK YOU, TO ALL WHO SERVE(D)! GOD BLESS YOU!!!
RIDE FREE because of them, AMERICA!
July 15, 2011 10:15 AM PDT
Lord forgive me,yet I am Proud to be an American,and I will never back down about that.It is young men like the Major who epitomize the very qualitys we are trying to instill in all our fellow contrymen,a sense of pride a feeling of being part of something bigger,the ability to recognize the sacrifices made by others who went before them and to acknowledge it.God Bless this country which has produced such noble spirits,may he watch over and protect them all !!!
stay safe n enjoy the ride !!!
July 15, 2011 10:48 AM PDT

July 15, 2011 7:23 PM PDT
July 16, 2011 1:54 AM PDT
It makes me proud when I'm out on a ride or anywhere where I might be wearing my leather vest with my Viet Nam Vet patches on it, and a young person comes up to me and tells me thanks for my service. I do think the message is getting around, slowly but getting there. That was such a wonderful and touching e-mail from the Major, thank you sir for what you are doing for out Nation.
God Bless America
Viet Nam vet 70-71
July 16, 2011 2:19 AM PDT
I have to say that is one very insightful Marine. I salute you Major Breshnahan, you personally, not just your rank.
July 19, 2011 3:13 AM PDT
a beautifully written letter -
July 19, 2011 2:22 PM PDT
July 20, 2011 2:06 AM PDT
Respect to all those that leave their family, their children and spouses, their friends and their life to put everything on the line for their country. it is irrelevent if you believe in what the fight is about, they have made a great sacrafice, sometimes with their lives to protect and honor what we sitting on our comfy couch drinking our cold beer seem to take for granted....we must all be dillegent in teaching this respect to the next generation, who will never understand the wars that happened before their time, It is up to us as americans and as humans to ensure that each new generation carry this respect with them. no man or woman should come home to ridicule and harsh words,EVER. I respect any soldier of any war for what they have done for me, never be ashamed, and know that you are appriciated.
July 20, 2011 3:37 AM PDT
Great Post and A great response from all. Nothing I can add to that except "THANKS "
July 20, 2011 3:42 AM PDT
Great letter, it really should be posted in more places to bring even more understanding to our nation.