August 5, 2011 12:12 AM PDT
There are days I ride my 06 street glide to work, and when I do I wear Official Motorcycle Police breeches (you don't call them pants) and Official Motorcycle Officer Jack Boots, I have my duty belt on with my 45 ACP in clear sight. Keep in mind no where on my uniform, helmet, or motorcycle is the words....Police, Law Enforcement, Agent, FBI, 007, or Barney Fyfe of Mayberry.
I'm jammin down the slab in the middle lane, and I notice up ahead is a car in the slow lane going about 10 under, with all the windows rolled down. I get close to them , and it's 5 Hispanic Males drinking beer, with the music up all the way. All I do when I get clost to them is just look over at them. They looked at me with a look on there face like they had just got caught screwing there sister. The next thing I know it starts raining beer cans out the right two windows of there car. It look like beer can tracers, and I mean a lot of beer cans. So I just laugh and drive on.
NOw I'm guessing the conversaton in the car went something like this..........
In spanish: Hey you dip shits that dude was no cop, yea and we just threw all our beer out the *****& window.
Now think about this one.....If I was a cop I may or may not have pulled them over....................Until the storm of beer cans coming out the window.
Beer makes ya think just a little bit differently doesn't it!
Some days just start our just the way you would have wanted it to.......
August 5, 2011 1:08 AM PDT
The Lord forgive me for sayin' this, but, I would've "pulled them over", and scared the beejeepers outta them!
The "looks" you'd of gotten for that? Priceless.
Ride Free
August 5, 2011 1:43 AM PDT
Dragon, you be setting people straight even when you're not tryin'.
August 5, 2011 3:24 AM PDT
You just may need to include a video camera with your other items.. that would have gone viral in no time!!
August 5, 2011 6:21 PM PDT
That is so funny dragon. Somewhere in a evidence locker I have video of a beer can flying out the rear window of a pickup truck and spraying foam all over the windshield of my patrol car. The short version DUI and jail.
August 7, 2011 11:10 AM PDT
Without beer mate I aint sure I'd bother thinkin at all..Gotta love bastards who put their hands on their heads when they hear a siren mate.Guilty of something Im guessin mate..Shoulda got their arses kicked for wasting perfectly good beer..BASTARDS! The beer gods will punish them...CHEERS BOOF
August 7, 2011 12:13 PM PDT
Without beer mate I aint sure I'd bother thinkin at all..Gotta love bastards who put their hands on their heads when they hear a siren mate.Guilty of something Im guessin mate..Shoulda got their arses kicked for wasting perfectly good beer..BASTARDS! The beer gods will punish them...CHEERS BOOF
LOL Thats why we love you so much Boof!

August 8, 2011 11:06 AM PDT
ND you need a camera mounted on your bike to record stuff like this, then upload it to YouTube so we can laugh. LOL
August 10, 2011 2:23 AM PDT
Dragon- you're right, it did make me smile