18 July 2015 with a rain date of 25 July 2015.
American Legion Post 255, Ridge
Meet & Greet 0900
Kickstands up at 1000, last bike out by 1100
$20 First hand /$15 additional hands
1st Draw VFW, California,
2nd Draw Heavy Hitters Bar & Grill, Charlotte Hall
3rd Green Turtle, Prince Fredrick
4th Draw American Legion, Lusby
5th Draw and End of Ride Party at Toots Bar
Operation Warrior Refuge is a Non-Profit 501

3 organization.
OWR's licensed mental health therapists are committed to helping veterans and first responders
combat the negative affects of Post Traumatic Stress, Combat Stress and Traumatic Brain Injury, utilizing Equine Assisted Psychotherapy.
For more information, go to WWW.OWR22.ORG
or call 301-475-1909