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March 20, 1956
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Coal miner
After my divorce seven years ago i had to take a long hard look at my life and do some soul searching. Married twice in a lifetime. First time at age 17 which lasted 11 years and one son and two daughters and then after a five year break i married a blind date after only knowing her only three months. I really thought she was the one. Don't we all? Why else do we get married? This one lasted eighteen years with one beautiful daughter. Life can be a bitch ,but we do that to ourselves. Yes sometimes it is done to us and it hurts all the more ,but sometimes it's to each other. I will not say it was all worth it, except for the children or what would that have to say what kind of man i am. An old saying is ,"Anyone can be a father ,but it takes someone special to be a daddy". I hope i meet that. To much pain to all of us but what can help with this is if we learned from it. Experience! It's what we do with it that counts. If we go on with the same way of doing things then we do not deserve anyone, no matter who is at fault.
After my second divorce i took a long break. Did not date anyone during that time then i started getting lonely so i started to do what most us do whether or not they care to admit it. Perhaps for some reason a little embarrassing because our morale is down or we do not want anyone to think we are insecure or hard up. I tried it anyway. I could write a book on this and who knows maybe i will. For the most part it has been good but one thing i have learned people are unique.
I remember watching my parents and how much in love they were and seeing that growing up it was inspiring to me. Yes, they had their problems but they are together to this day and love each other. Dad recently told me when mom got sick he would not last a year. That's true love. Unconditional love. I remember as a child my dreams of finding that special lady. My thoughts. What she would look like. How we would treat each other in the good times and bad. We were taught so young how to treat a lady. Help her with her coat on. Open the car door for her. The right things to say and do.It's politically incorrect these days. I jumped into both of my marriages and soon forgot so much. Like i said people are unique. We men can so easily forget ourselves and what we are and should be especially to those who are special in our lives. We can be selfish after a time and when things fall apart we blame the other and feel sorry for ourselves when things get tough.. Pitiful! What makes this all the worse are our children and what they have seen no matter what that may be. How will their inter actions with their spouses be and the outcome later in life with them and if we were the inspiration to the outcome because of our past relationships. What about the grandchildren? The chain continues!
I have been humbled when i look back and blame no one but myself and decided that if i am with no one in the future i am content with that, but my childhood dreams keep coming back to me and i hate being alone but do not pursue that very strongly at this point but do remember to put it in my prayers.
When i was asked about my visions for the future and what i see myself doing, where and who with...well lets say this is what i dream for the future. I am not a prophet or claim to be so it is God's will and only a hope for me. I have been where i have been 29 years now at this blessed job the sweet Lord has given me. About four years ago i sold all that i own in hopes to retire and travel the country. I see it with someone who has the same dreams as myself. I see us on our bikes some day traveling the mountains with a tent on our bikes and camping and enjoying God's sweet majesty. Breaking from time to time to load our bikes and four wheelers in the toy hauler to move to another area and escape the snow. Church is so important and to visit so many different churches around the country and meet so many different people would be a blessing in itself. Biker churches, cowboy churches and even just a little ol country churches. To help build churches and do things that people in need need done. After all we were blessed to be able to travel the country so why not give a little back to God with what He has blessed us with. Why not?! After all selfishness is not and should not be anymore.
To be with that special lady who shares your belief and dreams and to put her first in all things would be a bonus to all i have been blessed with. To ride side by side, Steel or flesh. Love it both. To be able to talk and hold each other every free moment we get. To look in each others eyes and know what we are thinking before we say it. To want to protect her even at the risk of my own life. To wake up looking at her next to me in each others arms. To smile and laugh together. Unconditional love. I would leave her a rose on her pillow if i awoke before her if i were to leave for what ever even if it were to go to the store for a few minutes. Her honey do list would only be a blessing and i would do it with a loving smile on my face. being apart form her even for a few moments while going where ever even to the store for her would only make me want to hurry along so i could get back to her, but hey! Why wake her when she is sleeping so soundly. Like i said...selfishness has to be gone if you are going to be the man you should be.