December 2, 2011 5:43 AM PST
I know we all wish there were something we could do to help our sister out. Well there is and it’s going to hurt, just a little, "no pain no gain". I see Peg has around a hundred friends on her profile, and well deserving because she is a caring person who shares a lot of her own time to help others. It’s ironic, to me, that she helps out at a homeless shelter, only to find herself soon to share in their plight. What can we do? Well, what if each and all of us CF friends, and any other readers with a heart, pass the hat and kick in ten bucks. For less than a good lunch we could help Peg. get a place of her own for Christmas? Not too much drama, just good Karma. The logistics are simple. We have set up a PayPal account in Peg’s name with a link on her profile page to receive any donations you can afford. Please be assured this is not a scam. I have spoken with Peg and she is very humbled by our help. So let’s do what family’s do best and be there when a brother or sister needs us. Also the only transportation Peg has is a broken down truck and it is crucial to her livelihood, as she needs it to carry her equipment to the job for her business. If there is anyone in Florida with an automotive shop that could help her get her truck running she can get back to work.
PS, apparently Tweek no longer has the truck and has NO transportation, and no home, wow does that feel familiar. If any one in the Jacksonville area or near can help out with an old car or truck that is not being used, I’m sure that Peg will be very grateful if you could loan it to her till she gets back on her feet.
If you can help please copy and paste this link to your browser and hit enter and give till it hurts.