April 18, 2011 3:42 PM PDT
Say Hello To My Lil Glock, .40cal. No pictures necessary. It's black, not very pretty, and it says BANG, real loud....
April 30, 2011 3:52 AM PDT
Call me old fashion, or maybe I'm just a cowboy...but I still prefer a good ol' revolver. I just like the idea of no chance of jamming, and if I do get a mis-fire I can just pull the trigger agian.
My favorite gun is my Ruger Security-Six
Go Fur THAT is a sweet piece..,.....I love it !!
Dont really have too many problems anymore.After all this bloody rain the ground is soft and the vege garden is comin along a bloody treat..CHEERS BOOF
I have three german shepherds, a knife collection and i collect rocks, which are randomly placed around the house. If you get past the dogs, you're going to get knocked out with a rock then gutted. hahaha!
I say, Let's Give Piece A Chance. My piece is a 357 Magnum plus an AR-15 with 30 round clips.
if they are outside your home when shot, stabbed, bitten or otherwise, just drag em back inside for the police!
This is the bloody go Dragon old mate..CHEERS BOOF
Got my carry permit 20 years ago when I moved to Florida, lot's of wack jobs down here. My favorite is my Kimber 1911 SIS.... Makes BIG holes
For next Mothers Day
What are you holding there Rev...SKS?.....whatever it is looks like you have a 30 roung mag in it.
Modified Mini 14, 40 round clip.

springfield armory xd 45 acp by the bed and when off duty in a inside the waistband blad tec holster. glock 21 in 45 acp on duty. colt m4 with 90 rounds in the closet with a surefire flashlight attached black dodge charger patrol car in the drive way