December 1, 2012 10:08 AM PST
As bikers we are often misunderstood by many, blamed by some and accused by others.
What bikers really are:
1. A friend for life.
2. A helping hand on a lonesome road.
3. A friendly wave in passing.
There are many other things that I could say above. We often joke and say the destination is the excuse and the ride is the reason. Today I saw the destination become the reason and the ride became the means.
There is a childrens home in Eldridge, Alabama that has been open since 1948. The home provides a loving environment for children who have had the misfortune to have no family. Today almost 900 bikers traveled to this little wide spot in the road to deliver gifts to sponsored children and donate money to support the home. There were bikers from Alabama, Mississippi, Florida, Georgia, and Tennessee all arriving with a common goal of helping provide for those children. This event was started by a single biker 10 years ago. Today 20 children had a Christmas that made them smile. The money taken up was at $50,000.00 (yes 50000) and still climbing.
What are bikers? They some of the most unselfish, truely caring people you will every want to have on your side. Unless you don't want to feel loved, have someone do something for you and expect nothing in return don't touch a bikers heart. You will get more than you expected. Ride on my friends, we have a lot to live up to.
December 1, 2012 10:28 AM PST
Amen !
December 1, 2012 1:04 PM PST
I wonder why these stories never make the 6:00pm news ?and their are events each year across our nation that benefit needy children and families for many good causes, year round. God bless those tender hearts on the iron horse! Keep us safe Lord, so we can help those who need help.
December 1, 2012 3:43 PM PST
Very well said!
December 3, 2012 11:37 AM PST
yep, that's us!!!
December 3, 2012 4:17 PM PST
Somewhere...way back when I first signed up here on CycleFish, there was a similar thread, about what Bikers are, and all the things we do, that never get "recognized". Here's my two on that, if I may...
It's not important if I get my picture in the paper, for somethin' other than another arrest. It's not important, that I might miss another rally, cause I made a promise, I'd like to keep. It's not important what others think of me, cause if I worried about that, I wouldn't have had the life, that I've had, or done the things I've done. But one thing, I DO know, is this...there was always somethin' that drew me into this lifestyle, and I know what that is. It's the respect, all the bikers I've ever known, show, not only to each other, but to THEIR FELLOW MAN. It's more than comraderie, (although, that part's pretty freakin' awesome...) It's genuine kindness, all shaken up, and stirred together, and poured out. A lot like someone else I know. (But that's a whole other discussion, lol) Thanks, Ya'll for lettin' me be a part of all of that.
Ride Free

December 4, 2012 1:25 AM PST
Personally, I ain't found no wings yet.
December 4, 2012 5:01 AM PST
Personally, I ain't found no wings yet.
Amen, Brother!
December 4, 2012 9:04 AM PST
Excellent post ! Thank you for sharing this ; ) !!!
December 5, 2012 1:09 AM PST
I club donated to one family at Bernardoes again this yr...a family of 8, 3 of the kids got bikes 1 got a scooter and the other an electric ride on cop bike..(small version) the family got a swing set and a trampoline...and assorted kitchen and refrigerator goods...I hope those kids get a kick outa us....pity we aren't allowed to know who they are...cause I'm sure we'd all ride by on christmas day and have a look see...
December 14, 2012 1:38 AM PST
We are simply ........good people.