I went to a Harley Dealer yesterday. I finally found one that I can get my short legs over. (I am short around 5'7".)
I am due to go back for a test drive in the next couple of days. (While I am on vacation)
I ride a wing now so this will be my first Harley.
The bike already has pretty much everything I would want on it. (I know I will not be able to resist the bling that usually follows haha.)
I am looking at the model that has the enhanced audio and nav package.
I really like what they have done on the newer bikes. I am interested in anything I should look out for or questions to ask before buying.
Note: I do know about the clutch system recall but HD already knows what caused that and have taken steps to correct it so at this point I am not too concerned about that. At least HD stepped up to the plate and took action.