April 12, 2013 4:26 PM PDT
I own and carry everywhere I go. It is my right. In my area the cops take forever to get here when my neighbors home was broke into the police took 45 mins to arrive I entered the house and cleared the residence so they could go in. If the government can not provide proper protection to the citizens then they must allow them to protect themselves. If the guns are stripped away that is not possible cause the black market will always be there so the criminals will always be armed. If you do not agree with this let some one break in to your house beat you rape your family and steal everything you worked to buy. Let them take your sense of security and leave you scared in your own home then we will see if you change your mind. All the people who argue no one should have guns has lived a privileged life in which they have never needed to protect themselves or the ones they love and I hope they never do so they never have to stop seeing the world through the rose tented glasses they wear and realize what the rest of us do. That our world is full of sick and twisted people who find it easier and accessible to come in your home and take what is yours rather than get a job and earn it themselves. The government does not care about us citizens we are nothing but a source of tax money and votes. If we all are getting robbed and dieing they will pretend to care but dont let the actors fool you its not over your life they cry over its the projected loss of revenue that you would have paid in taxes have you lived they cry for.
April 12, 2013 5:07 PM PDT
I live in the center of Buffalo NY, Pittsburgh PA, and Cleveland OH.
They call this "Meth Alley" and or "Zombie Land".
I have been fighting with politicians all week about gun control and I'm wore out so this is going to get a little rough.
The friggin' cops are afraid of the meth dealers, the runners for the meth cookers bust into garages on private property every friggin' night (houses too) for chemicals, they will kill you for a gallon of keystone, car batteries, Sudafed, lighter fluid, starter fluid. Get my point?
April 13, 2013 2:08 AM PDT
Nope. None of that shit here.
April 13, 2013 4:20 PM PDT
I been to Colorado, too. The drugs scene is bad there along with the wackos shooting up all the innocent people. Now they try to disarm the law abiding people so they can't protect themselves. Don't blame the weapons and affiliated businesses from leaving there. Just goes to show that it is best to "keep all your eggs in one basket".
April 14, 2013 11:18 AM PDT
Looks like NASCAR is now bowing down... They just reported that having the NRA sponser the race in Dallas may have been a mistake! I guess next year we'll get to watch the Tampon 200.....
April 14, 2013 12:29 PM PDT
Looks like NASCAR is now bowing down... They just reported that having the NRA sponser the race in Dallas may have been a mistake! I guess next year we'll get to watch the Tampon 200.....
The sad thing is everything is government controled now even racing.

April 15, 2013 12:40 AM PDT
April 23, 2013 5:17 AM PDT
Harley owners should understand that a back ground check will deam them too risky to own a gun. It may turn out that the only way to legally own a gun is to ride a rice grinder.
April 23, 2013 7:46 AM PDT
Was at a local Flea market and there was a guy there selling his goods and right there on his table just glowing like a new penny was a brand new box of 525 rounds of 22Lr ammo so I ask How Much as he replied $100

I ask myself "Self is this guy for real" I politely said are you F****** crazy needless to say I had to leave Lol

Ride Safe
April 25, 2013 6:14 AM PDT
From The Detroit News:
Police in Detroit last night announced the discovery of an arms cache of 200 semi-automatic rifles with 25,000 rounds of ammunition, 20 tons of heroin, 5 million in forged US banknotes and 25 trafficked prostitutes - all in a semi-detached house behind the Public Library on Woodward Ave.
Local residents were stunned. As a community spokesman said; "We're all shocked; we never knew there was a library there."
April 25, 2013 6:44 AM PDT
Again that states the need for me right there. I grew up an hour away from Detroit. I am sure that the people knew that that was there and were afraid to do anything about it. It's also another reason I choose not to live there with my family. I am glad that it was found and nobody got hurt because of it. Bad people do bad things but that will not change by telling law abiding people they cant have something.
April 25, 2013 6:58 AM PDT
Just about every other day something explodes or somebody that doesn't belong here shoots up the place here in the U.S..
The congressional hearings are a farce, everyone that gets called to testify says everything is under control.
This gets me wondering who is controlling everything.
April 25, 2013 7:26 AM PDT
Yeah good question who is controlling everything,apparently in baltimore the prisons are run..gasp.. by the inmates from what I been reading in the paper lmao its a sad state of affairs in a lot of areas.
What is worrisome is when some 2 bit player becomes a major mover,like tht jerk in N Korea who has a roomfull of syncophants, and armed w/nukes
April 25, 2013 9:04 AM PDT
Rick Smith killed 5 people, including a 6 year old, in Illinois; with a shotgun. Illinois issues NO concealed carry permits and does not recognize permits from other states. How did that restriction help that 6 year old?
Just like "all dogs bite"; people are crazy. I've been around a long time and I've seen my share of 'em. I've witnessed some of the most atrocious acts of (unnecessary) violence most Americans will never see and can never imagine. In this age of "Political Correctness", an indoctrination tool used to create a serene and somber society not only instills a false sense of security, but does more to infuriate the masses than calm them. It is something used by political extremists to deny freedom, including free speech, and to undermine common sense. It proclaims tolerance and practices intolerance. Political correctness does not respect or value truth.
In all of this gun debate there is only one truth. People are freakin' crazy and THEY kill other people. We can't condition them to "be nice", with or without a gun.
April 25, 2013 10:25 AM PDT
I think your rite. I also think it starts in the schools at a young age. Telling the kids that they can't bully other kids is great, but telling the kids that are being bullied that they can't defend themselves or be punished for it is wrong. That just teaches children to be sheep for bad people of ths world.
April 26, 2013 7:52 AM PDT
I'm confused, the government trained me to defend this country with firearms, but now they don't want me to defend my family with firearms.
April 28, 2013 4:52 AM PDT
Thats because it's not PC....lol
April 28, 2013 9:55 AM PDT
How about this? :-)
Participating in a gun buy back because
you believe that the criminals have too many guns
is like having yourself castrated because
you believe that the neighbors have too many kids.
April 28, 2013 10:09 AM PDT
Now that sounds about right.