February 26, 2014 11:52 AM PST
John.......Like everything, If you use it the way it's designed, follow the maintenance schedule and take care of things that break or need adjustment, It'll last a long time. Usually the ones you hear about breaking something were doing something it wasn't designed for or capable of doing. Of course, there's sometimes a defective part......just like Every Mechanical thing I've ever owned.
I treat mine as more of a street bike. It's not a 2WD, so I don't get out in the snow or rough terrain. Although.....we have a large group here in Colorado that do plenty of Forrest Service roads and even some of the pretty challenging Moab, UT trails. No Complaints and those bikes are still kickin A$$.
February 26, 2014 1:40 PM PST
February 27, 2014 1:23 PM PST
I think we're done with winter and ready for Riding. Last of the Mods and Accessories for the winter.
Sidecar Door, Aux Driving lights with European Headlight switch
March 26, 2014 4:13 AM PDT
Awesome!! We just started instaling seatbelts and harnesses in our Urals for customers with cute doggies like that!
March 26, 2014 4:15 AM PDT
Take a look at the Urals we just got in...these are PRE-fuel injected