September 5, 2013 3:35 PM PDT
I had a flat on my Goldwing the other day. It was the rear tire. I was very fortunate that it happend near an overpass so I was able to make it to a shaded spot. If you have ever tried to put a 900 lb bike on its center stand with a flat rear tire you know how tough that is. I called a friend of mine who happened to have a spare already make up on a wheel.
What does this have to with a horse. Well the easiest way to change a rear tire on a Goldwind is to flip it on the side. That is much easier and takes about 5 minutes to change the tire.
Here I was on the side of the road with a yellow Goldwing over on its side. It kinda reminded me of a rider whos horse had gone down. I wish I had taken a picture but it did not cross my mind a the time.
Well if you ever see a Goldwing layed over on its side, hopefully the rider did not shoot his ride.
He is only changing a flat tire and the horse will be back up soon.