April 8, 2014 2:13 AM PDT
Mine gave me depth perception problems at first.My eye doc is also a rider and I called and he told me the best thing I could do is wear them first thing in the morning till bedtime everyday until my eyes adjusted.They might nerd to look at them and check to see if the placement of the bifold insert is in the right place.
April 8, 2014 2:14 AM PDT
I wear them for day use, My riding glasses do not have the bifocals, It was recommended to me NOT to ride with them.
April 8, 2014 2:15 AM PDT
Need not nerd
April 8, 2014 4:38 AM PDT
The bifocals were a quick adjustment. Its the trifocals (dam getting older) that took more then a while to adjust to. The biggest problem was going down stairs. Riding I don't have problems with unless there are stairs. I can see the gauges now.
April 8, 2014 5:14 AM PDT
The bifocals were a quick adjustment. Its the trifocals (dam getting older) that took more then a while to adjust to. The biggest problem was going down stairs. Riding I don't have problems with unless there are stairs. I can see the gauges now.
Ditto. Been wearing them for some 30+ years, stairs are still a problem. LOL
April 11, 2014 12:42 PM PDT
I started with reading glasses in my early 40's and for the last 5 years I have bifocals and still not used to them completely. It seems like when I get into tight places to work, like under the kitchen sink or places where I have too many focal points. Heck even sweeping the floor makes me about half sick. I guess my eyes gets twisted up trying focus between the bifocals area and the non bifocal area of the glasses and then it is on, I get sicker than dawg. Hell, I even have bifocal sunglasses for when I ride, can't see the dam speed odometer or instruments. Like Chaz says "Dam getting older"
Well, Paula good luck with your new glasses, eventually you get used to them, hopefully better than me.
April 11, 2014 11:22 PM PDT
I have adjusted well i guess, hoping to get out for a ride today so we will see how it goes
April 12, 2014 11:23 AM PDT
Yeah...for the past couple of years those bi-folkals have been coming out of the closet....every time you turn on the sports...! oh wait.....your talking about glasses.
April 12, 2014 12:18 PM PDT
I started with the progressives and it took me a few days to get used to them. No problems with riding. My safety glasses for work have the lined bifocal and I just can't get used to those. The line distracts me too much.
April 15, 2014 11:15 AM PDT
I finally admitted last year that I was blind as a bat and bought me some progressive shaded glasses with the bifocal lenses at the bottom. Quite frankly I had to learn how to ride again because I could now see everything that before I had missed. I do wear a pair of clear glasses at night because the progressive lenses tended to be a little dark even when they were clear.
April 18, 2014 2:21 AM PDT
I wear reading bifocals, but I can tell over the years that the time is approaching when I'll have to trade in the shades I wear for permanent bifocals on the bike and under the helmet. Thanks for the post and comments because I'll be there soon enough.
April 22, 2014 11:45 AM PDT
I bought big lenses and had the Bifocal part cut very low at the bottom. I do not use them that much.
That helped, with the big lenses, with no motion sickness since when I look down I do not hit the Bifocal part, just the same strength lens.
I also wear contacts that are one strength. Bring me back to normal vision, except for reading, so I can put in the contacts and ride all day, see the signs crisp and clear and only have to pull out my glasses to read and then it is really big magnification which with some menus makes it very nice.
And not having to wear prescription sunglasses I can buy the cheap kind and not worry about scratchin a $120 pair of shades.
April 22, 2014 11:18 PM PDT
When i told people that i was getting bifocals i was told i was going to trip going down stairs, that i was going to trip over my own feet and that it would take a couple weeks to get use to them. Other than the queasiness i had it has been fine, guess i just forgot about them. :-)
April 22, 2014 11:37 PM PDT
Glad to hear you are not falling down,That Hurts! :{
April 23, 2014 12:10 AM PDT