August 20, 2014 12:19 PM PDT
Rode home from Daytona in a HARD DRIVIN' RAIN, in '91. Coincidentally, the 50 yr. Anniversary of Daytona BIke Week. On my brand NEW Harley. 1200 Custom XLH. Chromed, pretty, and award winning SPORTSTER. The "last" of the "chain" drives. An EVO, without the belt. Yet. She was one, cold-hearted bitch. Had to pull that choke, each and every time, unless she was "duly" warmed.
Got in a fight that particular Saturday mornin', with a chick who hated the fact, I had my own ride. She kept accusing me, of bein' a "male predator". So much so, that I finally knocked her ass into the pond, behind our tents at Rose Glen.
I wasn't any such a thing. And just cause a friend (a guy) followed me, and "we" made camp together, he knew what was what...feel me? We were just "buddies".
So...when I did come "home" with another male, from another place...she started shit, she should've thought twice about. Needless to say...after I near drowned her silly azz...I had to "move on". In a DOWN-POUR.
And it was. All 150 miles. From Daytona to Lake Wales. Hard drivin', breath-chokin', pants SOAKIN' RAIN.
I got pneumonia on that ride that day. I also got pregnant....the minute I got home.
We weren't married. Hardly. Just HORNY, for each other, as I'd been gone seven
Note to self (and, every other horny woman on the planet)....
Do not get on top...
when raincoats are the only "gear"
But I digress.
My son is awesome (yes, we still fight. A LOT)
But...he came from a place of love.
My Love of Motorcycles.
My Love of Living.
My Love of Adventure....
And my Love of GOD.
Can't say...I have any regrets...not on that.
Ride Free