July 5, 2010 12:01 AM PDT
She is a sweetie for sure g.
aye ...she's a gid wee girl ,still have to hear her cry .
Brother g, just sent out the 2nd package (Marked it "GIFT"
and hope it gets to ya this time. The CUSTOM # is:
Am still fighting with em on where the hell the first one went; so hopefully this one will get to ya....6-10 days is what they said....LMK when (If) ya get it.
Hope the event goes good Bro!
You look good holding that little baby girl G. Looking good on the bike too! Hope you had a great time!
ok ,i got a few more raffle prizes today ......£50 vouchers from shirlaws motorbike dealers , £100 vouchers , also got a huge banner from mnd to put up on the fence outside the comunity centre .got raffle tickets ,also might get £5000 for a certian oil company ,so all's looking gid folks .
oh .................and went in to see the guy who runs the local butchers and he will give me the bbq food for free ,wooooop .
All coming together!!! I think we are all as excited as you are about this event!!!
try n get loose ends all tyed up this weekend ,get the pub night organised ,go see the owner at the local pub ,see what nights the best for him ,ill try for the 6th aug -friday ,probably have a fancy dress night ,go as a punk rocker and have an air guitar contest ,should be fun ,lol
All coming together!!! I think we are all as excited as you are about this event!!!
thanks debz ...... would love to see u folks over for this ,but i will be thinking about u all ,and how much help u guys gave me .could not have got this far with out ur support ,THANKS XXX
We are all there with you in spirit, though it would be great to be able to be there in person. Just take lots of photos to share with us. Too bad you couldn't hook up a web cam.
web cam ?? .....how could i do that ??
would be an idea .
July 9, 2010 11:50 PM PDT
Glad things are coming together. We definitely want to see photos.
July 10, 2010 12:38 AM PDT
Do you have access to a lap top with a camera built in?
July 10, 2010 7:22 AM PDT
aye ,hayleys one has a camera in it ??
July 10, 2010 12:17 PM PDT
Hijinx package coming your way on monday, G - lemme know when u get it -