March 29, 2010 3:10 AM PDT
March 29, 2010 3:19 AM PDT
I BBQ all year long, Chicken, Steak, Salmon, Corn,burger, dogs, potatos.Anthing I can.... Did this last night on the Weber
March 29, 2010 6:22 AM PDT
I love to BBQ, problem is I live in a condo. So I only have a little BBQ on my balcony, or I have to go down to the community BBQs by the pool - big pain to carry all the stuff down there. But I can cook a mean steak or two on my little BBQ, which is without a doubt my favorite!!!
March 29, 2010 6:25 AM PDT
I prefer anything cooked over the grill (coal, not that gas stuff). But we do have a rule here in Texas - you can BBQ what ever you want, but there must be at least one steak present on the grill at all times!!!!
March 29, 2010 7:03 AM PDT
Now if you mean BBQ
1.Texas Brisket or Ribs
2. South Carolina Ribs
Now for just plain grilling
1. Steak (Delmonico)
2. My secret burger recipe
March 29, 2010 11:49 AM PDT
T-bone steak, deffo with the bone attached fer extra flavour
Q: what's a Delmonico?! guess we don't call it that, in here
March 29, 2010 11:55 AM PDT
What is a Delmonico Steak?
There are more than sixty different beef cuts in the meat case today. Add in the fact that many cuts have several different names and the meat case can be very confusing.
And a steak may be labeled a certain name in one area of the U.S., and the same labeled name in another area might be a completely different cut of steak.
In my area, a Delmonico steak is a Boneless Top Sirloin beef steak.
In other parts of the country, a Delmonico is a Bone-In Top Loin Steak (cut from the short loin), or a Rib-Eye Steak (cut from the rib).
March 29, 2010 11:59 AM PDT
thanx Rex, now i'm bloody hungry!... LOL
March 29, 2010 1:46 PM PDT
i cook anything that will fit on the pit, fish, shrimp, beef, pork, chicken, my kids like when i do breakfast on the pit. i built this smoker a few years ago, i was bored and needed something to occupy my time. the grill space is 2-1/2' deep and almost 4' long, i know it can hold 6 racks of ribs or briscuits. and still have room for taters and corn and such. i guess my all time fave is a salt rubbed brisquit left on for 8 - 10 hours, so the char is about a half inch deep, mesquite is good for smoking, but i really prefer hickory or pecan.

March 29, 2010 3:25 PM PDT
I love to cook on a grill. When we go camping on the bike, I have a little Coleman grill that we take to cook on. Breakfast burritos for breakfast, chicken wings for lunch and some kind of yummie meat for dinner. Best part is sharing it with friends.. I also like to make veggies in foil, as well as potatoes with cheese.
March 29, 2010 4:56 PM PDT
I grill most of the time I'm home. We have a grill that goes on the side of the toy hauler and every meal but breakfast is cooked on it while camping. The only way to cook dead cow, pig, or barnyard pimp is on the grill.
March 29, 2010 6:57 PM PDT
Love grillin! All times of the year. Camping there is nothing better than a t-bone (with garlic salt on it) & a baked tater! Core an apple, put cinnamon sugar & some butter inside the hole, wrap it with tinfoil & toss in the coals to bake. The smell alone will send you over

. BBQ at home is all over the map, shrimp & pineapple kabobs, ribs, beer can chicken. I like to make 2 burger patties and on one put green chilies, bbq sauce & sliced cheese stacked up. Then stick the 2nd patty on top and seal it up. Low & long on the heat but worth the wait!! Damn it's 1am and I'm drooling for BBQ now!
March 29, 2010 10:47 PM PDT
A huge ribeye or A big ol pkg of country style pork ribs.
March 30, 2010 1:25 AM PDT
The only thing not fixed on a grill has been Pizza and may try that this summer.