April 3, 2010 11:04 AM PDT
You know when I first signed onto Cycle Fish back during the first week of December 2009 I had no pre-conceived notions of what to expected by joining a cyber group of people liking the same thing as I. I was on face book for a while, and really didn’t like it much. It all seemed like what I call nickel dime talk, not really much substance in what people had to say, almost like people just pasting the time of day, and not really getting to know each other. Before CF I felt like, to get to know someone close the friendship had to be in person…..wrong. I have met so many cool people on this site, and I admit I’m closer to some more so than others. I guess the point to this post is how cool it is to feel like you’ve know someone for years when you have never met in person. You can tell quite a bit about someone after reading several of their post or reply’s about a subject. I actually find myself worrying about some that has a problem with their bike, wife, sick friend, recovery from an operation……ECT, and I have NEVER met this person in the flesh. Now I wasn’t a Phy. Major in college so I don’t understand the possibilities of this concept, and how it works. I know one thing I can’t wait until June for the Meet and Greet in Ky, because there is going to be some Bro hugging going on.
Not really sure how I expect anyone to respond to this post, but just felt like posting it.
April 3, 2010 11:20 AM PDT
Hey, I'll give ya a hug Bro...Just don't freck up and try and rub my ass...LOL...Looking forward to KY myself...Ride safe Brother dragon!
April 3, 2010 11:23 AM PDT
Great Post! J & I have said the same thing. We are very excited for the meet up as well. The quality of conversations on CF,..not to mention the friendships that we are building are "One Of A Kind".
Guess I better get back out in the Bike Cave to get those Sportys runnin',...I hear J callin' me now....lol
Have A Great Easter Dragon!!
April 3, 2010 11:29 AM PDT
Dragon ~
I understand where you're coming from ~ and glad you weren't a Psych. Major in college ~ otherwise you'd charge me way too much for your insight... ha ha ha!
There are so many folks who I've run across in the short time I've been on CF ~ none that I have met face to face yet ~ but one thing seems to hold true; we have a passion and kindred that a lot of other folks don't have.
I guess it all boils down to we are truly Brothers and Sisters ~ the world could use a lot more of what we've got.
Ride safe everyone ~ shiny side up ~ greasy side down...
April 3, 2010 12:57 PM PDT
buffy and i were once talking about something very similar to this, and she used the phrase "a thread of commonality" to describe it. and she nailed it dead nuts. that is what we all have been probably looking for and can't find it out in the world. and lets face it, our lifestyle choices are not the status quo, so people who are living that way just can't wrap their tiny little minds around what these freedoms are that we enjoy so readily. pity, their ideals of happiness are skewed. the friendships are just as unique as the riders and the bikes they own. and for myself, i would not change a thing. hell, by the seven degrees of separation, we all know each other in some way. happy easter to all of us friends on the fish.

badinfluence aka: derek
April 3, 2010 1:15 PM PDT
Doug and I can't wait to meet the friends we have made on this site over the last year. You are a good bunch! Happy Easter everyone.
April 3, 2010 1:23 PM PDT
I agree Dragon, I wish I was able to go to the Meet and Greet in June, but I will have to settle for all the wild and crazies I get to meet and remeet in June at the Redwood Run. It is great to have a place to go and post and have a good time getting to know each other like we can here.
April 3, 2010 1:47 PM PDT
Dragon i enjoy this site.... i agree with alot and i disagree with alot ... i hate what some say or reply to and love what others say .. i have learned alot being a nooooob.. to the bike and the site.....but one think i feel pretty dam sure of..... this are real people.. that shoot for the hip... and I know i would enjoy any time that i might get to share with any one from this site... just a sit down and chat .. or a cold one .. or riding... real ppl real life.. no BS
April 3, 2010 2:37 PM PDT
I have been here 4 months and had one face to face for couple of hrs. Found a brother of like mind and spirit. Wish this family wasn't separated by so many miles. We do have a good "Clubhouse Meeting" and the Dress Code is comfortable.. Not many times that so many have been in my home..I don't need to agree with all the opinions but I luv you all as family..
April 3, 2010 3:52 PM PDT
Blackpearl said : "I guess it all boils down to we are truly Brothers and Sisters ~ the world could use a lot more of what we've got."
Leaving this world a little bit better than we found it... Lucky has done it....and so have so many of you... sometimes all it takes is a kind word.
April 3, 2010 4:36 PM PDT
Group hug!
And you to hambone
Group hug not grope hug watch your hans thate my
Say good night ed.
Ok good night ed!!
Oops all!
Haha brain fart
April 4, 2010 5:22 AM PDT
I cant wait to meet you all once I get my ride, but I have gotten to know some of you and cant wait to meet you face to face!
And I agree NightDragon, I did not think it was possable to get to become closer to people with a like minded
thinking then people that you see in life daily.
But once I get my ride dont be supprised if I send you a message on here because I want to go to all the lower 48 on my bike like I have done caged.
April 4, 2010 5:39 AM PDT
You can be OUR Dr. Phil, Dragon. Happy Easter to all!
April 4, 2010 7:32 AM PDT
Begod, Dragon you should be nominated for a nobel prize for that post...or possibly locked up in a home for the bewildered

, but you're right either which way, Lucky and the other admins have a good thing going here, I hope to meet some of you soon, should be good craic

I think what makes this site is the fact that ego's are left outside and there is never any intent to offend anyone. Keep 'em tight...and keep 'em upright.
April 4, 2010 8:32 AM PDT
Geesh Dragon. I'll give ya a hug. You can sit in my lap too. HAHA
April 4, 2010 9:17 AM PDT
Geesh Dragon. I'll give ya a hug. You can sit in my lap too. HAHA
Hey even the Dragon has to draw a line......and that idea is wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy past that line. Homey don't play that game!!!!!!!!!!!
April 4, 2010 10:02 AM PDT
Dragon, you and AngelEyes are the best ! You are a real stand up dude and your ol
' lady with whom ive spoken briefly on the phone is top notch! She's a keeper,man ! I met some real good people here and the commonality of civility and good faith which runs thru is awesome. My congrats to brother Lucky for being the Sheriff in town.
Giod bless you all. Even though we all may ride different strecthes of blactop we are all riding the same highway...
April 4, 2010 10:17 AM PDT
Geesh Dragon. I'll give ya a hug. You can sit in my lap too. HAHA
Now that was a visual!!!
April 4, 2010 11:43 AM PDT
I joined this site and it was the first one I joined just after I got a computer. I know I'm slow with modern tech. But thank god I found CF as it has the same kind of people as I am in it. Lucky and crew have done a great job running this site and all the brothers and sisters have made it a joy to get here most days.
Take care one and all.. Sorry I can not be at the gathering with you all but will be there in spirit.
April 4, 2010 11:45 AM PDT
What I love about this site and the people here is we all start out with one thing in common....... RIDING..... This site is unique for the fact that we the people here make it what we want it to be. We care about each other and are genuine with our posts of passion. We don't have post whores, keyboard nazi's that try to tear us apart. Lucky has brought us together in a cyber community we all call home. All walks of life, living life and enjoying our freedom and our new found family....
April 4, 2010 11:47 AM PDT
Steven and I can not wait for June either. It will be great to hug and get to know each other even better.
April 4, 2010 12:14 PM PDT
I think I know our "Theme" song.............................. "We Are Family" !!!!! Sly & The Family Stoned if memory serves me right !!!
April 4, 2010 2:47 PM PDT
Man, you all going on like this, i'm startin to get a little misty. But that's ok, i love this place.
April 4, 2010 3:22 PM PDT
I agree with all these posts, but I think highrisk sumed it up best.
Hope everyone stays healthy and gets to do some riding soon.
April 5, 2010 12:22 AM PDT
Couple of things were done right @ the start of the site
1. The word was passed around in diverse places - I found out about it on a site devoted to a single brand of motorcycle
2. The site moderator does a good job keeping it PG-17, not overtly political, not GUYS.
* There is another great site I check into daily.
Upon occasion during politica//ecnomic debates we commence to flaming each other so intensely I would be embarrassed to have my 30(++) year old children see what I wrote (Mind you, I am always correct.).