April 17, 2010 4:08 PM PDT
idk.....a place and time for everything. I think one should be allowed to grow it in one's garden if one so desires.
I like herbs...medicinal herbs. We have been supplied with every plant that we will ever need to cure illness and invoke the spirits if that is what one so desires

. The big boy pharmaceutical ***** only exist because you cannot patent mother nature. Hey, no $$$$$, if you ain't got a patent. THAT is why there are side effects...and more drugs to combat the side effects....
I am a big advocate of using medicinal herbs also. My favorites are stinging nettle, burdock, and dandalion. I make concoctions and tinctures to use for many ailments. Nothing has ever knocked a cold out of me as fast as a concoction made from local weeds that can be harvested all around the roads and fields. Easy access and very cheap.
Pharmaceuticals were mainly derived from plant materials before they started using synthetic replacements. A lot are still derived from plants.
I have thought about going to workshops put on by Susun Weed. Her herbal farm and retreat is not far from me in Woodstock,NY.
And, yes it is time to repeal some antiquated laws and get real about the use of a hemp plant that has many useful purposes.
April 17, 2010 10:54 PM PDT
Hey Inga,
Remember who you are, remember why you are where you are. Only look ahead for you can not change what is behind. I admire what you are doing for we have similar tales to tell.
On the subject of riding, Deb (Sidetrack) and I are not too far away. We travel back and forth between my house and her's frequently, right through the Easton area. We would love to have you ride along. Are you going to KY? If so come with us.
April 18, 2010 12:52 AM PDT
jbasile thanks for the concern. - No everything is fine but we are putting an addition on & much of the garden will have to be moved.
This is the herb garden end - Vegetables the other end
ingababy : Never tried this sober or in the presence of estrogen & it ain't the best version of it anyway but time to time this song has bucked some few sorry lads up
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pDtwo3DyQG4 />
(sorry could not find the URL)
April 18, 2010 12:54 AM PDT
Beautiful gardens you guys!!!
April 18, 2010 4:40 AM PDT
Beautiful gardens savage...a country oasis...and a very good tune...Rise again... for sure, Just as sure as the sun gives way to the stars and falls below our sight, we still know it's there and that it will grace the horizon once more.
April 18, 2010 4:57 AM PDT
idk.....a place and time for everything. I think one should be allowed to grow it in one's garden if one so desires.
I like herbs...medicinal herbs. We have been supplied with every plant that we will ever need to cure illness and invoke the spirits if that is what one so desires

. The big boy pharmaceutical ***** only exist because you cannot patent mother nature. Hey, no $$$$$, if you ain't got a patent. THAT is why there are side effects...and more drugs to combat the side effects....
I am a big advocate of using medicinal herbs also. My favorites are stinging nettle, burdock, and dandalion. I make concoctions and tinctures to use for many ailments. Nothing has ever knocked a cold out of me as fast as a concoction made from local weeds that can be harvested all around the roads and fields. Easy access and very cheap.
Pharmaceuticals were mainly derived from plant materials before they started using synthetic replacements. A lot are still derived from plants.
I have thought about going to workshops put on by Susun Weed. Her herbal farm and retreat is not far from me in Woodstock,NY.
And, yes it is time to repeal some antiquated laws and get real about the use of a hemp plant that has many useful purposes.
Stinging nettles? Send me your address... I can ship you about an acre of 'em... LOL!
April 18, 2010 5:36 PM PDT
OK ingababy - I think you have got the drift of what everybody is telling you. NOW are you going to do something about it or sit back and cry some more? - Get on yer bike and go girl - ride it like ya stole it and don't look back until ya get home again.
Even if you only get out for a couple of hours the weight of the world will be a lot lighter on yer shoulders.