June 18, 2010 11:55 AM PDT
Me and tha boys just got back from eating; stopped at auto parts and picked up 2 qts Amsoil 20W50 primary oil and 1qt Moile1 Synthetic 75-140W gear oil for the tranny. Wanted Amsoil gear oil but all they had was 75-90W; which is what I used last tranny change but with it being so hot I decided to go with the Mobile1 140W. Changing both holes tomorrow and the bike will be ready to roll Thursday morn. All'll have left to do is pack some drawers Tues nite and I'll be ready.
June 18, 2010 4:39 PM PDT
Deep cleaned the kitchen. Made chocolate chip cookies.Laundry!!!! went for a ride. Walked my dog. Played stupid Bejeweled Blitz on Face Book.
June 18, 2010 4:44 PM PDT
im up !! .............ive got work today for a few hrs ...need to use the phone ,then might go for lunch ??its a dry day so wee might get some more sun the day ,might even get my tyres warmed up ?
June 18, 2010 5:02 PM PDT
no ,cops n ambulance were next door baning like **** on the door ,i got up niver noticed the cops were their and opened ma window a shouted ,WHAT THE ****'S ALL THE FOOKING NOISE ,cop shouted up sorry but it's an amergence.................turns out the stupid bitch next door had a mix of drugs n drink and waz in the zone ...ill feecking giver the feecking zone when i see her ,cop broke her door down .
June 18, 2010 5:07 PM PDT
hope she fooked ,...pain in the frigin arse .
June 18, 2010 5:09 PM PDT
she has a wee boy 9 and a girl 7 ,i have a carry on wee them as they are good kids ,she needs to fooking wize up ,and put it all in to the kidss b4 its to late ,sure the social security will be knocking on her door now .
June 18, 2010 5:09 PM PDT
Maybe she will get clean after this
June 18, 2010 5:14 PM PDT
mmmm ,i would na hold ma breath .
June 18, 2010 5:16 PM PDT
i do hope so ...its not good for the wee ones ,they were at their dads last night ,can see their faces when they get home and see the door smashed in .
June 18, 2010 5:17 PM PDT
Not nice, poor babies............
June 18, 2010 5:18 PM PDT
aye had carly out on ma bike last week ,shes only 7 ,she loved it.. every day she now askes me if ill take her on the bike ,lol
June 18, 2010 5:20 PM PDT
she always in my house ,hayley mothers her as shes 11 ,she follows hayley about all over the place
June 18, 2010 5:21 PM PDT
They are going to be very frightened whe they get home. Can their Dad keep them for a bit longer? Especially if she is in the hospital and maybe go for treatment. Maybe someone will fix the door before they come home
June 18, 2010 5:24 PM PDT
its a glass door ,their dads not much better ,has on that m-cat pish methradone ,so i dont think hes much help .she not in hospital ,shes still next door .
June 18, 2010 11:46 PM PDT
Jeez G!! They didn't take her to the hospital??? I don't know how it works over there, but the state can step in here and remove the kids from the house if it is not a safe place for them to be. Put them into foster care until the parents get help.
June 19, 2010 1:18 AM PDT
Get a short ride in tonight - our local CMA chapter is going on a supper ride. Only about 30 miles from Guymon to Hardesty - local cafe there has all you can eat catfish. Gonna pick up the missus after work and head out there.
June 19, 2010 1:22 AM PDT
Yesterday I had the pleasure to attend my grand daughter 'Sula's dress rehersal ballet performance. Aftward in the lobby she came running up to me and leaped into my arms and planted a huge hug as she thanked me for being there. WOW That was great. Photos soon in my album.
Today, going for a day ride with close friends. Then shopping for chicken and stuff to give Sidetrack a taste of my "World Famous" grilled chicken when she gets here tomorrow.
June 19, 2010 2:01 AM PDT
Just got back from a walk up into the park with the hounds. Now I'm pulling the bike out to finish up errands I didn't get to yesterday. Dudeman didn't make it yesterday, so the plan is a ride to Torrington, Ct. later this afternoon. Finish packing in between, so I'm ready to roll early in the A.M
And, REALLY looking foward to trying Rex's World famous Chicken!!!! I've been hearing about it for a while!!! and I'm hungry!!!!
Buffy, I know you will recogize where I walk in the morning!
June 19, 2010 7:09 AM PDT
June 19, 2010 7:26 AM PDT
Gotta change the oil in Mama's car then wash and wax........ Isn't this supposed to be FATHER'S DAY WEEKEND ????? Oh well, tomorrow it's BBQ and swimming (and pouting that I can't be on the run with all of you !!).